32% Complete
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Influence Score: 150
188,804 out of 868,097 Veterans
188,804 out of 868,097 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Worked in H.V.A.C. commercial industry on and off. Completed a handful of college courses in between deployments & finally got into car sales upon completion of my military service contract.
Military Experiences
May 2008 - Jun 2011
A Team Leader
Trained/Worked with other members of unit to prepare for m.o.s. specific duties for potential deployments. Worked & helped lead classes for readjustment into civilian life upon returning from deployment.
Aug 2007 - Apr 2008
Volunteered for 1st "combat deployment" to Northern Iraq. Was when the unit wore the 58th Infantry patch. Was an E-4 at the time.
(2 years, 6 months)Jul 2011 - Mar 2012

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Member of the 45th out of Oklahoma. Conducted Route Clearance as a dismounted Team Leader in Laghman Province.
Jan 2010 - Dec 2010

As a member of the 53rd out of Florida, served as SECFOR Team Leader. Provided base security for troops on R&R from O.I.F.
Aug 2007 - Apr 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
As a member of the 58th (since has changed) out of Maryland, served as a crew serve weapons "gunner" conducting convoy escort missions.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools