75% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,947
21,138 out of 868,048 Veterans
21,138 out of 868,048 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I spend from 13Aug64 - 23Oct73 in the Marine Corps, and from 19Jun74 - 30Apr85 in the Army. Placed on retired list 1May85. Retired from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections on 30Jun04.Worked with West Virginia Department of Correction from Jan05 - Jun06 and Wood County West Virginia Sheriff's Department from Jun06 - Sep09 Have been actively retired since then.
Military Experiences
May 1982 - Feb 1985
Platoon Sergeant
I had a split platoon with two quads in Illesheim, and two squads located in Crailsheim. Responsible for MP Duty (road duties) every other month in Illesheim splitting with 501st MP Co. Crailsheim squads performed road duty all the time.
Sep 1974 - Nov 1977
Company Clerk
Performed Company Clerk duties. Did OJT with Camp Zama MP Detachment from September-November to pick up 95B as a secondary.
Started in Apr 1985
(7 years, 8 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Oct 1980 - Dec 1980
noncommissionedofficer advance course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information