![Dan Allen MSgt Dan Allen](https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/profiles/photos/1171440/medium/57e6d601.jpg)
Recent Activity -
I joined American Public University System (APUS) in 2010 and currently serve as Director on the Military & Veterans Outreach team (Eastern Region.) Prior to APUS, served 24 years in the Air Force as an Inventory Management Specialist, Military Training Manager, and my final 15 years assigned to five different positions within Air Force Recruiting Service.
Military Experiences
Oct 2006 - Jun 2010
Senior Trainer
Develops, plans, and coordinates policies and procedures for professional development and progress within Air Force Recruiting. Coordinates the development and administration of training programs for 8 managers, 65 production recruiters, and 24 associated support personnel. Performs supplemental training visits to ensure adequacy of all field training in enlisted and officer related production and support programs. Prepares and submits detailed training reports with in-depth analysis. Functions as the department on-the-job training monitor and production superintendent in primary’s absence. Train-the-Trainer facilitator via Professional Sales Coaching. Plans and conducts 3 day annual training conferences with over 100 personnel attending.
Oct 2002 - Oct 2006
Enlisted Accessions Flight Chief
Recruited high-quality civilian candidates from throughout Central Florida to meet USAF manpower requirements in all enlisted specialties. Supervised eight personnel. Conducted market analyses, delineated geographic zones of responsibility, allocated recruiting goals, and set expectations for recruiter activities. Trained recruiters on processing procedures, marketing strategies, sales techniques, and applicant management. Conducted office visits and prepared production evaluations to enhance recruiter performance. Ensured every recruit is qualified, properly processed, and ready for basic training. Led flight meetings to focus efforts, recognize achievements, and inspire peak performance.
Oct 1999 - Oct 2002
Unit Trainer
Coordinated the development and administration of training programs for 9 managers, 77 production recruiters, and 27 associated support personnel. Performs supplemental training visits to ensure adequacy of all field training in enlisted and officer related production and support programs. Prepares and submits detailed training reports with in-depth analysis. Functions as the department on-the-job training monitor and production superintendent in primary’s absence. Organized quarterly & annual training conferences with over 100 personnel attending.
(8 months)Dec 1990 - Jul 1991
Saudi Arabia
Operation Desert Shield/Operation Desert Storm, worked Logistics (MICAP) with a combined unit from Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 2002 - Sep 2002
USAF Recruiting Flight Chief School
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information