CW2 Sean Heileman

CW2 Sean Heileman

Dates of Service: May 1985 - Apr 1999
50% Complete
85 Contacts
Influence Score: 15,542
3,823 out of 866,597 Veterans
About Discussions


  • WO1
  • CW2

Recent Activity  -


Driven.Dependable.Proven - Founded ProSource Technology Inc. July 4, 2011. The date was intentionally selected to represent independence and strength in a time in American history in which the economy appeared dismal for many. Unlike the declining economic times in which ProSource was born, the company was able to see immediate income in its first week of existence.

Military Experiences

Jun 1989 - May 1993
B Co
Flight Engineer
Hard Ass Soldier! Striving for perfection daily...Never expecting to achieve perfection; yet, trying to perfect the journey


(4 months)
Jan 1990 - Apr 1990
Saudi Arabia
Desert Shield-Desert Storm

Personal Information
