Recent Activity -
Decorated military veteran, possessing leadership skills from time spent as a platoon sergeant commanding over 75 marines.A current Internal Medicine Resident with over seven years of experience as a skilled Emergency Medical Technician in the field. I am always seeking new opportunities and challenges.
Military Experiences
Ended in Feb 2007
Platoon Sergeant
- Served as a (2831) Multi-Channel Equipment Technician.
- Coordinated communication setup and maintenance of communication while providing training for Marines not familiar with the equipment.
- Platoon sergeant for two years. During this time I administered quarterly counseling for 75 Marines. I also, helped coordinate, monitor and manage all platoon activities.
- Coordinated communication setup and maintenance of communication while providing training for Marines not familiar with the equipment.
- Platoon sergeant for two years. During this time I administered quarterly counseling for 75 Marines. I also, helped coordinate, monitor and manage all platoon activities.
(10 months)Feb 2003 - Nov 2003

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
-Deployed to Iraq in 2003 for OIF/OEF. During this time I analyzed, maintained and fixed technical problems of communications sites that provided communication between the front and supply lines. Upon completion of my tour duty, I received the United States Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information