92% Complete
26 Contacts
Influence Score: 11,714
409 out of 215,456 Civilians
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Highly motivated, degreed professional with a diverse background in management, human resources, recruiting and investor relations. Able to negotiate and problem solve quickly, accurately, and efficiently. Proven ability to analyze business operations and recommend strategies to improve performance. Committed to operating with integrity and excellence.


Security Clearance
None / Expired


Academic Degrees

2004 - 2007

University of Phoenix, Higher Education

Master's Degree, Business Administration

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Higher Education

Bachelor's Degree, Communications

Personal Information

Concerts banner Concertscritical care nursingEmergency medicine logo Emergency Medicineemergency room rnFootball FootballHealthheart Healthhome health nursingShooting cover Shooting (Sport)Swimming logo SwimmingAe5debb6 Travel
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter