87% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,280
30,014 out of 867,314 Veterans
30,014 out of 867,314 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I’m me are you, you? The 6ft albino squirrel and I have got to get to the bunker and wrap our heads in tin foil to stop the aliens from stealing our brainwaves!
Military Experiences
Jul 2009 - Apr 2012
Team Leader
I performed duties at the Rear Det., S2. Until the BN returned from overseas deployment as the Security Manager. I was transferred to the 212 MP CO and performed the duties of a soldier, an MP and team leader. I rebroke my back at the same area and was given a MEB and declared unfit. I was then rated and medically discharged.
May 2006 - Feb 2009
I was injured in the Warrior Transition Course at Fort Sill, OK. I was transferred through a couple of units until, getting medical treatment and I got transferred to Med Hold a Ft. Bliss, TX. This was the unit run by the officers & NCOs who cared for soldiers that were injured after 9/11. This was the very first and the model for operations of the Warrior Transition Battalions throughout the country. It was discovered that I broke my back at Fort Sill, two years prior. I had a L5/S1 Fusion and was declared Fit For Duty. I was then transferred to 93RD MP BN, Fort Bliss, TX.
Military Credentials
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees