LTC Paul Wakefield

LTC Paul Wakefield

Dates of Service: no date specified
65% Complete
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 677
53,921 out of 868,091 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ
  • LTC Jul 07
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, Jun 1987

Recent Activity  -


Successful Senior Leader and Project Management Professional (PMP) with extensive goal and performance oriented experience managing multiple teams in domestic and foreign settings. Skilled at implementing, maintaining and improving business processes. Proven performance as a supply chain logistician, graduate school logistics and organizational management instructor, US Capital Region National Disaster Medical Systems Area Coordinator, Medical Operations Planner and 129-bed hospital Patient Administrator. Possess extensive knowledge and experience in planning and executing national and regional level disaster management training in the US and Saudi Arabia. Retired Lieutenant Colonel with former TS-SCI Security Clearance. Published author. Fluent in Spanish. Basic Arabic reading, writing speaking. Proven expertise and experience in:

• Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
• Managing/Leading project teams
• Problem solution development
• Organizational planning
• New Business Opportunities Development
• Training and development
• EVM and Contract Management
• Executive level briefings and presentations
• MS Office and MS Project
• Technical Writing

Military Experiences

Started in Jun 2009
807th MDSC
Director, Force Mananagement Office
Implemented Department of the Army directives regarding force development and manpower management issues, to include personnel and equipping documentation, unit activations, reorganizations, conversions, stationing actions, and relocations. Provided current and projected requirements for personnel and equipment.
•Reduced redundant structure and improved support capabilities by realigning and re-stationing two major command headquarters organizations.
•Saved the Army over $4 million annually reducing dental structure by 40% and reorganizing remaining units to provide continuous coverage.
•Wrote and published a staff study in Army Sustainment Magazine that outlined solutions for maintaining medical equipment. The Army Reserve implemented the plan nationwide.


(5 months)
Jan 1991 - May 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Developed and executed independent training schedules for the organization's medical platoon and the entire organization consisting of more than 500 people. Planned and directed all medical support for the organization in both peacetime and combat operations. Advised executive level leaders on health issues regarding drug and alcohol abuse, weight control and field sanitation. Served as unit EO/EEO representative. Supervised 31 full-time employees.
• Passed Adjutant General Inspection with a Commendable rating (the highest).
• Earned the National Training Center’s Golden Cobra award for best platoon.
• Spearheaded a training program that enabled the platoon to lead the division in the number and percentage of Expert Field Medic Badge recipients.
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter