PO1 Weapon Tactics Instructor

PO1 (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
84% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,129
3,742 out of 87,408 E-6s
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA Jun 09
  • SN Mar 10
  • PO3 Jul 11
  • PO2 Mar 12
  • PO1 Mar 15


Born in Sacramento, CA. Graduated High School in 2004 and went to college sporadically for a few years. I was working for a wine and liquor distributor making a decent salary for a 21 year old when I felt the call to serve. And that's what it was. I don't know why it happened then. But I felt the need to serve, and so I called a recruiter and I went to Boot Camp six months later.

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