81% Complete
0 Endorsements
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,333
29,151 out of 867,897 Veterans
29,151 out of 867,897 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Apr 2011 - Oct 2013
Crash and Salvage
Responding to aircraft emergencies, firefighting, rescue and salvage for each type of aircraft on board. Duties also include the coordination of aircraft jettison operations, embarked squadron training, equipment maintenance requirements, and water related salvage operations.
Feb 2009 - Apr 2012
Crash and Salvage
Responding to aircraft emergencies, firefighting, rescue and salvage for each type of aircraft on board. Duties also include the coordination of aircraft jettison operations, embarked squadron training, equipment maintenance requirements, and water related salvage operations.
(8 months)Sep 2010 - Apr 2011
Western Pacific
Responding to aircraft emergencies, firefighting, rescue and salvage for each type of aircraft on board. Duties also include the coordination of aircraft jettison operations, embarked squadron training, equipment maintenance requirements, and water related salvage operations.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information