SPC Glen "G. Warren" Johnson

SPC Glen "G. Warren" Johnson

Dates of Service: Feb 1986 - Oct 1989
66% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,083
19,847 out of 865,928 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Feb 86
  • PFC
  • SPC

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Military Experiences

Jul 1986 - Oct 1989
I started out in Motor Pool platoon as a 63B10, working on anything that had wheels. I had advanced to E-3, but had a little trouble on base and got demoted to E-1. During one of our 50 mile road marches in '87, I was injured (right knee hyper extended). After working my way back up to E-3, in '88 I was transferred to TSO/ORF section (Tech Supply Office/Organizational Readiness Floats), it was a new idea the Army was trying at the time, (where we were brought a disabled piece of equipment and exchange it for the same working piece of equipment, just like when you purchase a car, except no money changes hands), we took the broke piece, sent it to be repaired and had it ready for the next exchange to happen. I advanced to Specialist E-4, also had knee surgery before medical discharge in '89.


(3 years, 4 months)
Jul 1986 - Oct 1989
Ft. Ord, California
Started out in 519th Motor Pool, worked on everything that had wheels. Then in 1988 was transferred into ORF (Organizational Readiness Floats) section under TSO section. Basically you brought us a broken vehicle/equipment and we swapped it for an exact repaired vehicle. Then sent the damaged vehicle to be repaired and ready for next the customer.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2011 - 2013

Westwood College On-Line

Associate Degree, Graphic Design

2010 - 2011

Kaplan University On-Line

Associate Degree, Graphic Design
