77% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,373
28,427 out of 867,447 Veterans
28,427 out of 867,447 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I spent a couple of years in Hawaii as my first duty station. Who would have dreamed at 17 years old? 13 months in Korea, a real experience in a country that outside of the main cities was 3rd world. A real eye opener that most of the people bitching about everything in the US should see. 1 1/2 years of flying around in a helicopter over one of the most scenic areas in southwest US, New Mexico.
Military Experiences
Apr 1977 - Nov 1978
Re-enlistment NCO
Conduct mandatory re-enlistment interviews with short timers.
Mar 1976 - Apr 1977
Re-enlistment & Training NCO
Conduct mandatory re-enlistment interview with short timers & schedule all training for the unit.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance