78% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,419
27,777 out of 868,083 Veterans
27,777 out of 868,083 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 2005 - May 2007
NATO Planning Officer
NATO Plans Officer at CAOC 9 in Uedem, Germany. Lived in Kalkar.
Aug 2004 - Jun 2005
Graduate Student
Student at the National War College. Committee 9. Field studies in Vietnam and Thailand.
Apr 2003 - Aug 2004
Chief, Flight Safety Division
Managed the entire USAF Flight Safety portfolio on the Air Staff.
Jul 2000 - Mar 2003
ADO/DO, A-10 Instructor Pilot
ADO and then DO for the 81st Fighter Squadron Panthers. Also did a stint in Wing Inspections before being reassigned to the Pentagon.
(1 year, 9 months)Jan 2002 - Apr 2002
Operation Northern Watch flying CSAR missions out of Incirlik. Some of the most boring flying ever. Long commute to hold north of the border in case someone got shot down. Then we'd commute back. Long mission to do a whole lot of nothing.
Nov 2000 - Dec 2000

My 3rd time to deploy to Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base for OSW. Basically the same crap except everyone was now housed inside Tent City. No more "pilot town" where we had our trailer set-up. Oh well, it was a short one.
Jun 1996 - Sep 1996

This was the 2nd time around for Operation Southern Watch with the 354 FS Bulldogs at Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base. The big difference was the Khobar Towers bombing took place shortly after arriving and we were basically locked down for the summer. It sucked being confined to base.
Jan 1995 - Jun 1995

This was one of the early deployments for Operation Southern Watch, flying out of Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait. This was when I was stationed at Davis-Monthan with the 354 FS Bulldogs.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees