40% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,067
35,239 out of 868,098 Veterans
35,239 out of 868,098 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Grew up in Baltimore, college in upstate NY. Taught high school English near Hagerstown, MD, for 2 years, then wandered around New England for a while. USUHS grad 1986. Pediatrics training at MAMC, then to the 121 in Seoul for a year, back to DeWitt ACH in Virginia, Genetics training in DC, then WBAMC in El Paso for 4 years, finishing in San Antonio in 2008. Now at the Children's Hospital in SA.
(1 year, 1 month)Mar 2004 - Mar 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Battalion Surgeon, Charlie Med, 27 MSB, 1CD, Camp Taji. The job was patient care, supervision of docs, PAs, and medics. Triage and management of Mass Cals. Daily briefs to command about medical status, threats, and other issues. Built a small hospital. According to my 1SG, my job was "to flex, sir, and get things done for us." So I learned.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees