MCPO Joseph Hill

MCPO Joseph Hill

Dates of Service: no date specified
81% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 926
40,020 out of 864,744 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SA Sep 85
  • FN Sep 85
  • PO3 Dec 85
  • PO2 Apr 87
  • PO1 Oct 90
  • CPO Sep 00
  • SCPO Jun 03
  • MCPO May 06

Recent Activity  -


21 year Navy nuclear Machinist Mare veteran. Served on 3 different Nimitz class aircraft carriers in support of the Gulf War, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Retired and have spent the last 10 years as a facilities and maintenance management professional in pharmaceutical and food industries. Married in 1988. Son born in 1991, daughter in 1992, retired in 2007, wife passed away 2012, remarried in 2013, 2 step daughters, happy and healthy family.

Military Experiences

Dec 2002 - Feb 2007
USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75)
Division Officer
RL Division LCPO, RL Division Officer, RT Division Officer, EAOS
Jul 2000 - Dec 2002
Nuclear Repair Coordinator
Promoted to MMC September 2000. Repair coordinator for Los Angeles class attack submarines, Nimitz class aircraft carriers. 4 Dual Media Discharges, 3 as lead NRC
Jun 1996 - Jul 2000
USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75)
Leading Petty Officer (LPO)
#1 Plant WCS, Reactor Training RL Representative, Tech Pub Library LPO, RAMPO, LPO
Jun 1993 - Jun 1996
USS George Washington (CVN-73)
Assistant Leading Petty Officer (LPO)
RL Division #2 Plant WCS, Dosimetry Supervisor, RAMPO, ALPO


(2 years, 3 months)
Oct 2004 - Apr 2005
Last deployment, deployed in support of GWOT. Good cruise. Almost 4 months consecutive on station in Gulf. 111 days continuous battle operations.
Dec 2002 - May 2003
HST 2nd Deployment. Dropped some of the first ordinance of GWOT. Saw my first battle damage on airplanes in hangar bay. Long, long time underway in the Gulf on station supporting ops.
Jan 1996 - Jul 1996
GW second deployment. Bombed Iraq, what's new.
May 1994 - Nov 1994
GW Maiden Deployment, supported 50th anniversary observance of D Day. Best underway time I had in my career was the honor of transporting Navy D Day vets to the observance at Normandy. Greatest Generation hands down. Huge sponson fire prior to Haifa, scariest thing up to that point in my career. Bombed Iraq, what's new.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 2000 - Sep 2000

Radiological Controls Monitor School

Aug 1992 - Oct 1992

Industrial Maintenance ELT School

Jan 1991 - Mar 1991

Basic Instructor Techniques, NPTU Idaho Falls

Sep 1987 - Dec 1987

Engineering Laboratory Technician School

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
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