PO2 Felix Loveless

PO2 Felix Loveless

Dates of Service: Oct 2001 - May 2008
71% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 648
55,501 out of 864,953 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA Oct 01
  • SN Dec 01
  • PO3 Nov 02
  • PO2 May 05

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jul 2007 - May 2008
NRD Miami
Interior Communications Electrician (IC2) Recruiter
Mar 2003 - Jun 2007
USS Anzio (CG 68)
Interior Communications Electrician (IC2)
Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class
Oct 2002 - Mar 2003
SBT 12
Interior Communications Electrician (IC3)
Interior Communications Electrician 3rd Class
Oct 2001 - Sep 2002
Interior Communications Electrician (ICFN)
Fireman Recruit


(1 year, 3 months)
Nov 2006 - May 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class
Apr 2003 - Nov 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Interior Communications Electrician 3rd Class

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 2007 - Jul 2007

Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation/Recruiter Canvasser (ENRO)

Dec 2006

Level B Code of Conduct

Oct 2006

ATFP Level 1 Awareness Training for Overseas Service Members

Sep 2006

Work Center Supervisor Leadership Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Nov 2005 - May 2008

Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class

Mar 2002 - Nov 2005

Interior Communications Electrician 3rd Class

Dec 2001 - Apr 2002


Oct 2001 - Dec 2001

Fireman Apprentice

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

long walks on the beach. kitten juggling.