54% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 120
211,032 out of 867,448 Veterans
211,032 out of 867,448 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Currently I am a registered investment advisor...2000-present...before this I ran my own businesses in NY and CT 1992-2000 before this I was Active Duty USN 1983-1988...US Naval Reserves 1988-1992...before this I was in college Academy of Aeronautics LGA airport NY and worked for Airlines while in school
Military Experiences
Oct 1983 - Present
Anti Submarine Warfare Operator/SAR
Airborne sensor operations flight crew duties...US Navy search and rescue swimmer
2 West Pac deployments 2 Mediterranean deployments
Flew off 7 carriers 2 West Pacs on CVN 70 USS Carl Vinson 2 Mediterranean deployments on CVN 69 USS Eisenhower