29% Complete
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Influence Score: 50
270,629 out of 867,939 Veterans
270,629 out of 867,939 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Twenty nine and a half years in Army, retired, 9/1/1997. Eight years flying corporate (G3/4), Franklin Templeton, 3DO Games, and AvJet (flew, NC). Disabled since 10/2005, back issues. My time is spent giving back, volunteering, mostly with Emergency Preparedness Groups.
(5 years, 10 months) 1978 - 1981
Germany, Ansbach
Flew SOTAS, an experimental UH-1. Has Slar Boom, retractable skids, autopilot. Mission profile, altitude - 10,000' and 40 knots. Interesting mission, down loaded movement on ground to trailers with monitors. Then forwarded to Div Cmdr for his use.
Oct 1971 - Sep 1972

Vietnam War
Flew Deputy Corp Cmdr,
Third Regional Assistance Cmd
Mulitiple units, last - 120th, Deans.
BG McGiffert and BG Tallman, (07/09/1972), An Loc, worst day of my tour.