SGT James Adams

SGT James Adams

Dates of Service: no date specified
28% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,499
26,471 out of 864,869 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT

Recent Activity  -


(8 months)
Oct 2006 - May 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Effectively trained approximately 100+ Iraqi Police Officers to provide productive law enforcement within and outside of combat unit.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 2009 - Dec 2009

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Started in Jul 2014

Fugative Operations FLETC


Jun 2015

Gang Investigations

Mar 2009

Police Sniper/Observer

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (5/5)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2013 - 2015

University of Phoenix

Master's Degree, Masters of Business Administration

2011 - 2013
