Posted on Aug 29, 2024
Josiah Hawkins
I got an 88 on my ASVAB and I’m interested in going into the 35-series. I recently took my DLAB at meps and got a 125, which I believe qualifies me for category IV. Does this mean I’m guaranteed to get a language from that category? And is there anything I can do to make me more likely to get one of those languages?

Also, I was told by my recruiter when looking at 35w(Foreign language specialist) that I would get funneled into either 35m or 35p after DLI; Is this true? And what decides on that as well?
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Responses: 4
COL Randall C.
Edited 7 mo ago
"Choice" of your language? No. You will submit a preference for your choices, but the language will be assigned based on your DLAB, background, preference and needs of the Army.

It's a safe bet that with a 125 DLAB you won't be given Spanish. While it's likely you'll have a Category IV language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean), the other factors will weigh in as well. However, since all but 4 of the 13 languages on the Army's Strategic Language List* are dialects of Arabic or Chinese, it's probable you'll go into one of those.

The recruiter information is accurate. 35W is an entry MOS that feeds into either 35M or 35P. Much of the same criteria for your language goes into becoming a 35M or 35P (same criteria, evaluated differently). DLAB will focus heavily, but it the needs of the Army will be a 'screening' factor (i.e., if there isn't a need for junior enlisted 35Ps in your language, you won't go 35P).
* Army's FY24 Strategic Language List -
* AR 11-6 (Army Foreign Language Program) -
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SGM Bill Frazer
You will fill out a dream sheet, but ultimately you will learn whatever language the Army needs, our you can stay home, it isn't MacDonalds. Sorry
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
For your ASVAB, what is more important for MI are your GT and ST scores.
A DLAB of 125 means there is a very good chance, though not guaranteed, that you will be in a CAT IV language. There is no way to guarantee what language you get.
The language you get will be determined by needs of the Army and what you qualify for.
As a 35W you absolutely attend either 35M or 35P after DLI. 35W is only a feeder MOS to get you to DLI and then one of those two MOS tracks. The track you get will be dependent on needs of the Army.
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