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Advanced Leaders Course (ALC formerly BNCOC) Phase 2
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Advanced Leaders Course (ALC formerly BNCOC) Phase 2
Posted on Jun 2, 2024
What are the potential consequences for refusing to go to ALC, or asking for a later date, due to my wife's due date?
I just got selected to attend ALC phase 2 August of this year. my wife is pregnant and is due on the 29th of August . Is there a way I can refuse to go or get a different date ? If so what are the consequences for this action ?
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Advanced Leaders Course (ALC formerly BNCOC) Phase 2

Posted 10 mo ago
Responses: 7
Posted 10 mo ago
If you refuse, that's not good. Get with your Schools NCO to see if you can get a deferment
Edited 10 mo ago
Posted 10 mo ago
SGT (Join to see) - You can request a compassionate deferment.
'Refusal' will potentially have lots of bad ramifications for you (possible impacts could be loss of promotable status, BAR to continued service, NJP, etc.) - the decision on adverse actions will be up to your leadership so it's impossible to say "this will happen to you" with great accuracy.
As MSG (Join to see) said, "not good".
Scheduling for ALC is centrally managed*, so requests for deferment go to HRC. You'll submit a PAR in IPPS-A and route it through the first GO/SES in your chain of command (see HRC's sample PAR* below) for endorsement/approval.
As part of the deferment request, an alternate course or availability will have to be identified.
* NCOES Course Scheduling Procedures - https://home.army.mil/liberty/application/files/7616/6601/8241/MILPER_Message_Number_22-375_NCOES_Scheduling.pdf
* NCOES deferment request - https://www.hrc.army.mil/wcmt-api/sites/default/wcmtfiles/files/19233_0.pdf
'Refusal' will potentially have lots of bad ramifications for you (possible impacts could be loss of promotable status, BAR to continued service, NJP, etc.) - the decision on adverse actions will be up to your leadership so it's impossible to say "this will happen to you" with great accuracy.
As MSG (Join to see) said, "not good".
Scheduling for ALC is centrally managed*, so requests for deferment go to HRC. You'll submit a PAR in IPPS-A and route it through the first GO/SES in your chain of command (see HRC's sample PAR* below) for endorsement/approval.
As part of the deferment request, an alternate course or availability will have to be identified.
* NCOES Course Scheduling Procedures - https://home.army.mil/liberty/application/files/7616/6601/8241/MILPER_Message_Number_22-375_NCOES_Scheduling.pdf
* NCOES deferment request - https://www.hrc.army.mil/wcmt-api/sites/default/wcmtfiles/files/19233_0.pdf
MAJ Byron Oyler
10 mo
We need to do a better job explaining to new parents what their kids care about and what they do not coupled with when good supports systems want to be around. Please see what I wrote to him directly. My 14yo will be pinned C/2LT in CAP tonight and he cares a lot more I am there today than at his birth or his third bday in Korea.
PO1 Ray Reasy
16 d
MAJ Byron Oyler - Yes you are correct, but his wife would probably appreciate that support at the time of the birth.
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