Posted on Dec 17, 2019
1LT Health Services Systems Management
I applied to the 70D board on 8/11/19 and the my AMEDD recruiter told me that the board approved my packet and now I am in the Order of merit list. What this means and how this process works? how long it will take me to commissioned ? Its better to wait or apply for another AOC ( e.g. 66H)?
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CPT Board Member
Unless you are a med-surgical nurse as well as a IT specialist, you won’t be able to do 66H. That’s also a different process through your AMEDD recruiter.

You don’t really have a choice but to wait as SSG (Join to see) mentioned, you were approved by the board, but not in time to fill a vacancy for the fiscal year slots.
1LT Health Services Systems Management
1LT (Join to see)
5 y
CPT (Join to see)
Thank sir ! I applied in November and I am in waiting list , that’s mean all the open slots are filled within one month as this fiscal still have 9 months to finish. When I applied my recruiter said they have 70 slots available. So that mean now I have wait for an year till next fiscal year? I know I am asking a lot of question but I need few clarification
CPT Board Member
CPT (Join to see)
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1LT (Join to see) it just means that the slots were filled. If you're on the OML (order of Merit List) then you are basically on the waitlist for a FY20 Slot. If none are available, you can go back up for review for FY21 slots. I would recommend working on your packet for that around August next year.

Additionally, I recommend trying for 70B first. The Army likes to recruit 70Bs and then train them to become 70Ds a few years into their careers.
1LT Health Services Systems Management
1LT (Join to see)
5 y
CPT (Join to see) - so i can still be on 70D OML and apply for 70B without withdrawing 70D , do we need to submit scroll back to congress and send CV to 70B for CV or i can directly apply for January board.
CPT Board Member
CPT (Join to see)
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1LT (Join to see) you'll want to talk to your AMEDD Recruiter on that process...but there are "usually" more slots for 70B than 70D.
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SSG Ammunition Specialist
If you are on the OML you didn’t get selected for a commissioning.
1LT Health Services Systems Management
1LT (Join to see)
5 y
So should I apply for another AOE or should I wait
1LT Health Services Systems Management
1LT (Join to see)
5 y
Thanks for replying
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