Posted on Oct 3, 2018
SFC Counterintelligence Agent
I've been on CO-ADOS orders for the past 8 months and during that time my home unit has been attempting to get me a school seat for SLC so I can get promoted. When I talked to the Ops SFC in my old battalion I'd recently transferred from before starting the current ADOS orders he was telling me if I needed to attend a school while on ADOS orders then my reserve unit could cover the travel costs in DTS by using a signed memorandum in lieu of orders since technically I'm already on orders.

Fast forward to today, I'm about to demob from my current CO-ADOS orders, and I'll be starting a new set at a different command right after in December and my unit is finally getting me an SLC seat in either the upcoming January or February class, but I'm getting pushback from this BN S4 saying the active duty unit would have to pay for travel and everything for my school.

Trying to determine if what my old S4 told me was true, that a memorandum could be used in DTS in lieu of orders for my home unit to cover my travel as long as the unit I'm supporting is willing to let me leave for a few weeks to attend (I've already cleared it by them, they're cool with it since it's for PME), or is that not the case and the active unit would have to fully cover any TDY I went on while on orders supporting them? Does anyone know where to find the answer one way or the other in the regulations, or have past examples they could send me?
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CW3 Michael Bodnar
First, are you Reserve or National Guard? That will affect a few things if you're NG since we're talking Title 32 vs. 10. Because it's a different mission (NCOES vs ADOS), you will likely have to break your orders to attend school. I was on title 10 ADOS orders (National Guard) and had to do this for ALC a few years ago. I wouldn't count on them extending an order to cover your SLC. Err on the side of caution and expect thing to not work out unfortunately. You also need to loop your next command into the discussion so their aware they'd be loosing your services while you're at SLC. One last thing, see if you can get the two units talking and maybe there's a resolution you aren't seeing that can be worked out. Good luck.
SFC Counterintelligence Agent
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>1 y
I'm in the reserves so I wouldn't need to break the orders to attend PME, it's mainly a matter of whether my home unit can fund the travel since I'm on ADOS orders. I've spoken with the command I'd be supporting and they're fine with me being absent a few weeks to complete PME, it was one of the first things I asked about when opening comms with them on accepting the orders. Thanks Chief.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
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SSG Healthcare Specialist
I was USAR on CO-ADOS. I attended ALC while on orders. My unit reserved the school spot, gave me the LOA for DTS. Unit paid my travel & per diem, CO-ADOS orders continued to pay my regular pay.
Only extra required was a memo from current assignment stating they were aware I was attending the school needed to be uploaded in my DTS.
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COL Program Manager
I have addressed this issue within my command. I think PME in ADOS is not allowed, where on MOB orders it is, as unfair as that may seem.
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