My question is does tanks have air conditioning to keep their crew cool down and how does tank crewman not overheat in the tank especially during the summer time or deployed out in the desert how does this work how does the crew not get ain't exhausted or even pass out from heat stroke from all that Cuz I am actually wanting to be a crew member for a tank and I'm kind of wondering how all that works? and what i need to know before joining in this mos all the info I can get about this job will help me as well there ant a lot about this job on YouTube.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 28
Posted >1 y ago
Don't listen to those guys. There is definitely an AC there, it's right next to Bose audio and the captains chairs. You know that thing has a jet engine inside it, right? Coldest AC in any Army vehicle right there!
SPC George Edwards
8 mo
No idea about now, but back in the 1960s, the M-48 even had a heating pad for your C-Rations........They called it an exhaust manifold.
SPC David Buttrey
8 mo
And I missed out?!? WTH?!? My recruiter didn’t tell me about the A/C when I was joining up! That’s BS!
Posted >1 y ago
I was on an M1A1 my first deployment. The answer to your question is NO. But there are some tricks. Cracking the hatches, and keeping the breech down while on overwatch helps. Also, once you get good and sweaty? There are NBC hoses that blow air. Stick one of those down your pants or your collar? Best feeling ever. I know it sounds like I'm screwing with you, but I promise. I'm dead serious.
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
(Join to see) Provided. You go and join the tanks, you'll be shown them in tank school.
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Just to add to what the Command Sergeant Major just ....Do NOT buy tanker boots before you earn them. You do that by being a member of a crew that qualifies "first time go" on a gunnery, and/or going to combat as an actual crewmember. Gotta respect tradition, bud
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
As for legit advice? Be ready for long stretches of time in cramped quarters with three others. Guys are gonna be pissing in Gatorade bottles. Ripping ass from too many MREs and mermite chow. Be prepared to be uncomfortable. Driver's the only guy with a decent seat to sleep on. You're gonna be sore. Slinging track. Loading rounds. Working alongside your mechanics keeping that iron beast ready. You're gonna get fluids on you. Fuel. Hydralic fluid. Grease. Engine oil. The whole cocktail. BUT.......there's hardly any MOS other than Tanker that grants as much adrenaline and pride at the end of the day. Every other MOS in the Army is there to support the Infantry. But tanks get some of the loudest cheers, and genuine gratitude from the grunts.
SGT John Graham
5 y
Well said. It all comes down to doing the best job possible. Yes there are bad days...just do the best you can, do it right the first and every time.
Posted >1 y ago
That was a good question and one I didn't know the answer to. I learned a few thing from the
responses of the guys here. thank You all.
responses of the guys here. thank You all.
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