Posted on Aug 21, 2024
MSG Human Intelligence Collector
I received a referred NCOER with the "-r".
My NCOER was a Change of Rater, Met Standard, and Qualified. I received a "No go" in my character block with a bland comment that said did not uphold Army values.
I don't have any derogatory information in my file and I don't have a restricted file either.
I scanned AR 623-3 and it doesn't talk much about the referred NCOER. Can anyone tell me more? Is it just labeled that to flag HRC and board members that I have a NO GO in that eval? Is it referred to the QMP Board?
Should I fight to get it removed?

Thanks in advance
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Responses: 3
LTC Eugene Chu
Did you sign it?

If I were in your place, I would talk to JAG. Enlisted unfortunately get less due process than officers, but Army lawyer should be able to advise you on how to fight it if you want.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
7 mo
Signing it only means you have checked the Admin data and it is correct, has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with any comments or ratings.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
SFC Senior Geospatial Engineer
via QMP FY23 Q and A (this is latest and greatest):

Q: Who is eligible for QMP consideration?
A: All NCOs in the rank of SSG through CSM who meet one or more of the following criteria:
U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) receives material from one of the following categories for
permanent filing in the Performance or Restricted folder of the NCO’s Army Military Human Resource
Record (AMHRR) (this material must be based on performance or conduct in the Soldier’s current
1. Memorandum of Reprimand from a General Officer (Letters of Reprimand) or Memorandum
of Reprimand directed for filing in the AMHRR by a general officer.
2. Conviction by Court-Martial or punishment under Article 15, UCMJ.
3. DA Form 2166-9-2, NCO Evaluation Report (SSG-1SG/MSG); Relief for Cause NCOER
4. DA Form 2166-9-3, NCO Evaluation Report (CSM/SGM); Relief for Cause NCOER
5. Academic Evaluation Report (DA Form 1059) indicating Noncommissioned Officer Education
System (NCOES) course failure a second time.
6. DA 2627 Record of proceedings under Article 15, UCMJ (DA 2627-2)
7. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, or designee, approves a request from commanders with general
court-martial convening authority, or their designees, or the Commander HRC, or designee, for referral
of an NCO to a QMP screening board.

BLUF: your situation does not call for QMP. It will hurt promotion wise, but it seems like you aren't hurting there. Unless you had your heart on SGM/ CSM, I believe you are fine.
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