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Recruiting and Retention NCO
Retention/Reenlistment Question?
I'm a SGT(P) with 12Y1M of service. ETS date is 27 JUL. My marketplace on ASK-FM/IPPS-A never opened bc YMAV is the same as ETS date. I'm being told that I can't extend (to at least not have finance stop my pay) and that I'd have to reenlist under the CSP but I'm not a SSG. Can anybody help with this? My career counselor is the one who told me this info.
I'm a SGT(P) with 12Y1M of service. ETS date is 27 JUL. My marketplace on ASK-FM/IPPS-A never opened bc YMAV is the same as ETS date. I'm being told that I can't extend (to at least not have finance stop my pay) and that I'd have to reenlist under the CSP but I'm not a SSG. Can anybody help with this? My career counselor is the one who told me this info.
Posted 23 d ago
Responses: 4
Edited 22 d ago
Posted 22 d ago
Your Career Counselor is correct (if there are exceptions, only they and others who have access to RETAIN will be able to give you a definitive answer).
In your situation, the language about the Career Status Program (CSP) might be a bit confusing as the most known part of it is for "SSGs and above with 10+ years of AFS" being required to be reenlisted under the provisions of it.
However, all RA enlisted Soldiers with 10 or more years of active Federal service by the date of discharge will be reenlisted under the CSP (AR 601-280*, para 3-11(c)).
The years of AFS was changed from 12 to 10 at the beginning of FY22, but even under the old requirements it would have applied (since you stated you have 12Y1M AFS).
* AR 601-280 - https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN35366-AR_601-280-000-WEB-1.pdf
In your situation, the language about the Career Status Program (CSP) might be a bit confusing as the most known part of it is for "SSGs and above with 10+ years of AFS" being required to be reenlisted under the provisions of it.
However, all RA enlisted Soldiers with 10 or more years of active Federal service by the date of discharge will be reenlisted under the CSP (AR 601-280*, para 3-11(c)).
The years of AFS was changed from 12 to 10 at the beginning of FY22, but even under the old requirements it would have applied (since you stated you have 12Y1M AFS).
* AR 601-280 - https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN35366-AR_601-280-000-WEB-1.pdf
COL Randall C.
21 d
SGT(P) (Join to see) - I realized I never addressed the other part of your post when I saw your comment about the guidance your CC gave about contacting your Branch Manager.
I assume that guidance was in reference to the Enlisted Market and not your reenlistment. Your ETS and YMAV being the same month shouldn't have caused an issue with the marketplace opening and for Soldiers with that issue, HRC's direction is to contact your Branch Manager.
"IPPS-A closed market. NCOs will receive an email 30 days prior to market opening announcing they are aligned to the market to provide feedback on their availability to participate. Market participants will then receive an email at 0700 EST the day of market opening announcing the market is open and begin providing their preferences of all available Job Openings for their manning cycle. NCOs whose YMAV aligns to the currently open market but cannot access the market tab must contact their Career Branch manager first prior to submitting a trouble ticket with AESMP. Any NCO who should have but did not receive the opening day auto-email notification must contact their Career Branch for further assistance."
You still have time to submit your preferences for the 26-01 Enlisted Manning Cycle before it closes on March 18th if you can get it squared away with your CBM (you've already missed the 25-04 EMC that you would have been in with a YMAV of 202507). If not, then you will be slipped to 26-02, which opens at the end of April, or you'll be handled outside the marketplace.
The contact info listed on HRC's QM Branch* for you (the 92G PVT-SGT Assignment Manager) is Mr. Gamble, [login to see] , Office: [login to see] , DSN: DSN: 983-5256, MS Teams chat - https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/chat/0/0?users= [login to see]
* AC Enlisted Markets - https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/AC%20Enlisted%20Markets
* Quartermaster Branch contact information - https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/QM%20Branch%20(Active%20Component)%20Contact%20Information
I assume that guidance was in reference to the Enlisted Market and not your reenlistment. Your ETS and YMAV being the same month shouldn't have caused an issue with the marketplace opening and for Soldiers with that issue, HRC's direction is to contact your Branch Manager.
"IPPS-A closed market. NCOs will receive an email 30 days prior to market opening announcing they are aligned to the market to provide feedback on their availability to participate. Market participants will then receive an email at 0700 EST the day of market opening announcing the market is open and begin providing their preferences of all available Job Openings for their manning cycle. NCOs whose YMAV aligns to the currently open market but cannot access the market tab must contact their Career Branch manager first prior to submitting a trouble ticket with AESMP. Any NCO who should have but did not receive the opening day auto-email notification must contact their Career Branch for further assistance."
You still have time to submit your preferences for the 26-01 Enlisted Manning Cycle before it closes on March 18th if you can get it squared away with your CBM (you've already missed the 25-04 EMC that you would have been in with a YMAV of 202507). If not, then you will be slipped to 26-02, which opens at the end of April, or you'll be handled outside the marketplace.
The contact info listed on HRC's QM Branch* for you (the 92G PVT-SGT Assignment Manager) is Mr. Gamble, [login to see] , Office: [login to see] , DSN: DSN: 983-5256, MS Teams chat - https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/chat/0/0?users= [login to see]
* AC Enlisted Markets - https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/AC%20Enlisted%20Markets
* Quartermaster Branch contact information - https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/QM%20Branch%20(Active%20Component)%20Contact%20Information
Posted 23 d ago
Call me old, but what is YMAV and CSP? Those are new to me. Are you asking what options you have or advice on what you should do?
COL Randall C.
22 d
YMAV = Year/Month Available to Move and CSP (Career Status Program) is the name for what used to be known as the Indefinite Reenlistment Program.
YMAV is used with the Enlisted Marketplace (ASK-EM) to determine what positions RA Soldiers can apply for and CSP is the "reenlist once and you don't have to do it again" for RA Soldiers.
YMAV is used with the Enlisted Marketplace (ASK-EM) to determine what positions RA Soldiers can apply for and CSP is the "reenlist once and you don't have to do it again" for RA Soldiers.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
22 d
I was asking both but as COL Cudworth explained, I would have to do the Career Status Program due to my AFS years.
Posted 22 d ago
so i think your question boils down to, you have questions about how you are to go about reenlisting, and you are not sure if the information provided to you by the career counselor is correct, as you don't think you are eligible for the reenlistment program the councilor indicated. The best person to address these questions would be your career counselor. Read the guidelines for the CSP program and take your questions to the councilor.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
22 d
I did and what I stated is what she told me. Guidance given was “talk to branch manager”.
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