Posted on Nov 16, 2014
SGM Assistant Commandant
Army instructor badge wear criteria
I was awarded the Army Basic Instructor Badge after a three year stint as a MP ALC SGL. I want to know if any 670-1 instructions have been published to tell me where to wear this prestigious badge. I know a lot of people are upset that the Instructor Badge is not available to all Army Instructors, and this question is not meant to fan that fire. Of those few of us who have been awarded the badge, I think we need to update each other on policy changes and wear instructions. My best guess is that it will be worn under the same criteria as the Recruiter Badge.
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Responses: 13
SFC Mark Merino
For all of you with potential badge envy, just remember......
SCPO Emergency Management Director
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SFC Mark Merino One of the best movies ever made
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Agreed. Can you imagine if they released it in these PC-PC times?
SFC Combat Engineer
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CW5 Desk Officer
Edited >1 y ago
SGM (Join to see), I have looked and looked for guidance on placement of the AIB on the uniform. No luck. In looking though, my guess would be that the AIB could (possibly ?) be placed in the same location as the Drill Sergeant badge. I admit that's just a guess, based on the fact that both are awarded for training (/instructing) Army personnel.

Does that sound reasonable to you? Or do you stand by it more likely being treated as the Recruiter Badge? I'm curious, and I'll be watching for an ALARACT or something to say where the AIB is to be worn.
SSG Human Resources Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
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SGM (Join to see), I believe the revisions are forthcoming still as stated in this memo, so yes possibly an ALRACT is in the works

There should be a change also to DA PAM 670-1 CH 22–17. Identification badges as its not listed as of the PAMs date of MAR 2014.
1SG First Sergeant
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It goes on the left breast pocket. DA PAM 670-1 will be released with the new updates, TRADOC submitted the addition a long time ago but G1 has not push it out until the entire DA PAM 670-1 is completely revised.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
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(12) The instructor ID badge is worn on the wearer’s left side. Personnel wear the subdued pin-on or sew-on badges on combat uniforms and field jackets, with the badge centered on the left breast pocket (not including the pocket flap). Only one instructor badge is authorized for wear at a time. The badge is also authorized as a nonsubdued metal badge for service, dress, or mess uniforms.

per DA PAM 670-1 DATE 2 DEC 14
SFC Chief Of Blc
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
In the DA Pam it states that you can move badges to wear one on each side in the Army Combat Uniform. I have the Recruiter badge and just got the Instructor badge. From what i understand the Recruiter would go on left and Instructor on right. Is that true?
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CW2 Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer
From what I gather, this badge is something new. I'm glad to see the Army going to more permant recognition for those who serve in the TRADOC trentches. I was an instructor from 2005-2007. During that time we were awarded an Associate Instructor badge (ASS BADGE as we called it). Then through a series of evaluations and hours "on the podium" you could progress to senior and eventually master instructor. The catch......other then an ASI of "8" none of your accomplishments followed you. The only reg for where of the badge was a TRADOC reg. also during that time NCOES "instructors" were SMALL GROUP LEADERS....there was a different course for that, not the instructor basic course.
SFC William Linnell
SFC William Linnell
>1 y
I did the same at Knox on the basic training side. I was listed as a TC/Instructor/Writer. I also went to the instructor course there and got the "8". Then went to Afghanistan on the Combat Advisor roll. Those teams were first trained at Fort Riley then we moved it down to Polk. There we taught small teams of AF, NG and Navy. We were listed as Instructors/Small group Leaders. There was No slots listen as a PSG, 1SG or Co CO. With this course we were given the T1B indentifier, in total of 2008 - 2012 when I retired.
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