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Contract Specialist
Posted on May 16, 2018
Enlistment Contract 8yrs 0yrs active 0yrs reserve error?
In my contract it states I am enlisting for 8 years Army National Guard but has 0 years active 0 years reserve. I want to put a packet in for Active Duty Psy-Ops as I’m already at Bragg and have had the opportunity to talk with a few people already there. I have already done 6 years reserve and expected to get dropped into the IRR at which point I could transfer to Active Duty side. I’m currently on a reserve mobilization at Bragg until late OCT and want to get the ball rolling as far as going active. I thought I would be taken off mob orders when I got to 6 years but then found the error in my enlistment contract which I believe to be the root of the problem. Anyone have any guidance on this situation? See picture below
Posted in these groups: Contract SpecialistContract Manager
Posted 7 y ago
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