Posted on Oct 14, 2023
SGT Factory Maintenance
I am prior active service 6 years. I just reenlisted after 6 years of being out ans have to go back to basic. I am going to fort sill and i am keeping my E5 rank. Was wondering what all i should expect
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Responses: 19
SGT Aaron Atwood
You'll be watched more than others because you have that rank, and prior service as well. More will be expected of you.
SSG Future Soldier Mentor
SSG (Join to see)
10 mo
You will likely be separated within the barracks. Meaning having your own room. You will be expected to have influence on your platoon and their lack of discipline in formation. They won't listen to you, you will then proceed to tell them 'I told you so' with your eyes while in the front leaning rest. Stay out of trouble, you already know what basic is about so just get the job done and drive on to AIT.
SGT Judy Swift Johnson
SGT Judy Swift Johnson
8 mo
I went back in as an E-3 after 9 years of being out 9And I got out as an E-4P) and did a 2nd BCT. I was treated no differently than any of the other soldiers, except like mentioned by Sgt Atwood. Was put in squad leader position until i was put on profile for shin splints. Sr Drill had me doing marching drills with one individual as she could not get the flanking movements. I was the only prior enlisted in my platoon and age 29, so all the trainees asked me a million questions and I helped them learn to spin shine and buff floors.
SGT Judy Swift Johnson
SGT Judy Swift Johnson
8 mo
SGT (Join to see) - The drills and officers will know you are prior service, but the trainees won't unless you or a drill tells them. Just act like you are catching on to everything really quickly and play it off if you want to blend in.
SGT Ruben Lozada
SGT Ruben Lozada
4 mo
SSG (Join to see). Facts. I fully concur brother Alex
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CPT Sr. Manager Software Development
According to TR350-6
(2) Prior service personnel in the pay grade of sergeant (E-5) through sergeant major (E-9)
are billeted separately from other IET Soldiers. Prior service NCOs are billeted in a separate
building when possible. If a separate building is not available, then on a different floor of an IET
barracks. If a different floor within the building is not possible, then within a separate room (not in
an open bay). Prior service NCOs may be billeted with IET Soldiers as a last resort with approval
of the CIMT. Requests should be submitted in memorandum format to CIMT G-3 office. Billeting
NCOs with IET Soldiers is not the intent and should be a last resort.
(3) The billeting of prior service NCOs also applies to RECBNs. RECBNs will immediately
identify prior service personnel and ensure the gaining BCT/OSUT units are informed of the prior
service personnel’s status, rank, pay grade, and billeting standards. If necessary, prior service
BCT/OSUT NCOs may be housed in AIT facilities.
(4) Privileges for reclassified and prior service personnel.
(a) Although reclassified Soldiers are subject to IET policies and procedures, their
privileges should be the same as those of permanent party members of equal grade. They are
treated with the dignity and respect due their grade.
(b) The company commander determines specific privileges based on such factors as
grade, training performance, self-discipline, motivation, and conduct.
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CPL Miguel Velez
Hello Timothy, great to meet here @RP. Six years ago you were in better shape physical , emotional and mentally. BCT will be a passing score, you can become a platoon leader and build trust with the new troops. Lucky you. Back in 77, veterans were ignored and accused of baby killers. I wanted to reup and some jerk did not give me a reelistment code. Well decorated, trained very hard, Honorable Discharged, because of my two MOS, even the cops said I was too dangerous to get a job. If you get the chance to get back incountry, I will envy you. God Bless your decisions my Brother Timothy. Hoora!
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