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AMEDD Recruiter
Direct Commission Army Reservist 70k/70B?
Good afternoon,
I am currently serving at the E-5 level and am seeking contact information for a 70K or 70B Reserve Direct Commission Officer. I am set to complete my Master's degree this year, and while many individuals I have spoken with have encouraged me to pursue an active-duty position, my preference is to remain in the reserves. Does anyone have a contact information of who I can reach out to specifically for direct commission reservist?
Any guidance or assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Good afternoon,
I am currently serving at the E-5 level and am seeking contact information for a 70K or 70B Reserve Direct Commission Officer. I am set to complete my Master's degree this year, and while many individuals I have spoken with have encouraged me to pursue an active-duty position, my preference is to remain in the reserves. Does anyone have a contact information of who I can reach out to specifically for direct commission reservist?
Any guidance or assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 12 d ago
Responses: 1
Posted 12 d ago
That would be an AMEDD recruiter - https://recruiting.army.mil/mrb/
The official website for the Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
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