Posted on Jul 11, 2014
What do you think of the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge?
I found out today that my unit has opened slots to try and earn the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge. Have you earned it? Do you find it to be a well sought after award or just something else to put on your uniform? Curious to hear your thoughts.
Posted in these groups:
German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (Bronze)
German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (Gold)

Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 41
Posted >1 y ago
Swim, Swim, and swim some more before you go. The rest is a breeze.
Did I mention you need some swim practice?!?!?!
Seriously though, that is the number one killer for American Soldiers trying to earn that award.
Did I mention you need some swim practice?!?!?!
Seriously though, that is the number one killer for American Soldiers trying to earn that award.
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Very true SFC(P) Gilley. I know numerous Soldiers who couldn't pass the swim portion. I finally learned to swim recently and hope to get a chance to earn the badge in the future. While I was in Germany there was never enough slots so I always let my Soldiers go.
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Gilley is right, I have scuba dived all my life but swimming that far in uniform ain't no joke, it sucked.
Posted >1 y ago
I earned the Gold Badge in 2012 and was the OIC for event last year for the Iowa National Guard. It is a really awesome opportunity to not only compete, but to also work with the German Liaison to bring the event to Iowa.
The best advice I can give you is to practice swimming and to practice firing the m9 pistol, as these were the two events that most participants No-Go on.
Best of Luck.
The best advice I can give you is to practice swimming and to practice firing the m9 pistol, as these were the two events that most participants No-Go on.
Best of Luck.
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
That is probably the best advice you could get. In all honesty the rest of the physical events, are not an issue for most soldiers. However, since we don't really train on swimming, the swimming event knocked out a lot of people I went with (myself included). It is a lot of fun though, getting to hang out with and learn about a foreign military like you get to at an event like that.
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
During the swim test you can swim however you want, just do not hang from the wall or let your feet touch the bottom of the pool.
You will have 4:00 minutes to complete a 100 meter swim. The uniform is the ACU top and bottom, which will be ditched once you complete the swim. You do not have to ditch the uniform to any time standard, just don't hang on the wall or touch the bottom of the pool.
You will have 4:00 minutes to complete a 100 meter swim. The uniform is the ACU top and bottom, which will be ditched once you complete the swim. You do not have to ditch the uniform to any time standard, just don't hang on the wall or touch the bottom of the pool.
Posted >1 y ago
I would say that it is extremely rare for National Guard soldiers to have the opportunity to obtain such an award. It is fairly common in the Regular Army but regardless it is still an sought after award. I have a few badges and would love to obtain the badge. It gives you a chance to work with other soldiers from another nation. Best of luck.
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