Posted on Mar 9, 2019
What are my chances of getting to go to Airborne/Ranger School while in the MN National Guard?
I am a 19 Delta in the Minnesota National Guard, (34th Infantry, 94th Cav) and am considering wanting to go to jump school and then get my ranger tab. I am planning on commissioning while in college via ROTC and this is my other big goal. Physically I am in great shape, I play college football and work out non-stop.
1.) How would I go about being able to go?
2.) I know I should wait until I am more experienced, but how long should I wait?
1.) How would I go about being able to go?
2.) I know I should wait until I am more experienced, but how long should I wait?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 16
Probably pretty slim, but you never know. Always be ready and get your physical taken care of. It is not uncommon to walk onto Airborne after Ranger school, we did that for folks back in the day. But I have no idea if they still do that. Dont worry bud, in a 20year career you have plenty of time left. Focus more on the things you can influence right now while you look to achieve those long term goals. For example, you want Airborne, but why? Do you want to be in an Airborne unit or do you want people to see your jump wings and think you accomplished something? Same with the Ranger tab, do you want to be a more well rounded small unit tactician that can create a team/squad/platoon or Rangers, or do you want people to see your tab and they can think you are BA? Dig down deep bud and see where your heart is, because if it is at clothing and sales you are in the wrong business and it will consume you. If you want to be a well rounded operator that can train lead and fight... well, it wont be too hard to get where you need to go. Good luck!
Being combat arms, it shouldn’t be hard to go to ranger school. Airborne on the other hand isn’t likely unless you’re in one of the few NG Airborne units or part of the 19th or 20th SFGs or GSBs.
If you commission and branch infantry your odds of going to ranger school are pretty good, not sure about other branches. Its still possible to go as enlisted but its more competitive and spots I've seen usually go to more experienced soldiers. Talk to you chain of command and unit full timers to see if they have slots available. You would likely only get a chance to do airborne school through ROTC, I can't recall the state sending enlisted soldiers to that school. Air assault and pathfinder are occasionally available in the IBCT, not sure about the ABCT.
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