Posted on Apr 6, 2016
CPT Joseph K Murdock
Here are my assumptions:
1. To qualify you must be performing pre, during, post deployment activities when hurt.
2. You get retired at the rank you are in at the moment of the event.
3. If you get hurt downrange you should paid monthly.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 3
SCPO President, A Premier Home Inspection
PRELIMINARY CRSC CRITERIA: A retired member of the Uniformed Services
who meets each of the four following conditions will be considered to meet the
Preliminary CRSC Criteria:
1. Has 20 or more years of service in the Uniformed Services for purposes of
computing the amount of retired pay or is entitled to retired pay under
section 12731 of title 10, United States Code, unless such retirement is under
section 12731b of that same title.
a. NOTE 1: Members retired under the provisions of section 4403 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public Law
102-484), October 23, 1992, commonly referred to as the TERA program -
- Temporary Early Retirement Authority -- are not generally eligible
unless the member is credited with sufficient service for a 50% multiplier
or has been recalled to active duty long enough to accumulate 20 years or
more of service in the Uniformed Services for purposes of computing the
amount of retired pay. Service in Public And Community Service (PACS)
positions creditable for re-computation of retired pay at age 62 does not
count for these purposes. The 20 years of service required for computing
the amount of retired pay (other than non-regular --reserve-- retirements)
may be inferred from the retired pay multiplier. However, the Military
Departments are not bound by such presumption if there is documentary
information to the contrary, such as a TERA retirement. In such cases the
Military Departments shall base their determinations on the documentary
information available.
Example: Consider a member with a 50% multiplier who is a TERA
retiree with a 10% increase in retired pay granted on the basis of
extraordinary heroism. Such documentary information would be used to
deny CRSC qualification.
b. A member who retired for years of service (not for disability under chapter
61 of title 10) who has a retired pay multiplier not less than 50 percent, or
Attachment 1 - Program Guidance
Combat-Related Special Compensation
April 15, 2004 - Page 3
Combat-Related Special Compensation
a member retired under REDUX who is still under age 62 with a retired
pay multiplier not less than 40 percent, may be presumed to have 20 years
of service for retired pay computation purposes. A member who retired
under chapter 61 of title 10 should be evaluated in terms of what the
multiplier would be if not retired for disability. Reserve Personnel Centers
may need to provide evidence of qualifying service under section 12731 of
title 10, United States Code.
c. NOTE 2. For months beginning on or after January 1, 2004, the
requirements applicable to Reserve retirements is changed as described
below. For months prior to that month, reserve retirees had to have 7,200
points to qualify for CRSC. A retired Reservist with retired pay
computed under section 12731 of title 10, United States Code, is eligible
for CRSC unless retired for disability under section 12731b of title 10,
United States Code, with more than 15 but less than the 20 years required
under section 12731(a)(2) of title 10, United States Code. Specifically,
those retired under the Temporary Early Retirement Authority for
Reserves (Reserve TERA) as prescribed in section 12731a of title 10,
United States Code, and served fewer than 20 years but were considered
to meet the criteria of 10 USC 12731(a)(2) are eligible under these
2. Is in a retired status (i.e., is on the retired rolls, or has been transferred to the
Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve).
a. NOTE: Members recalled to, or retained on, active duty are not, for the
purposes of CRSC, in a retired status during the period of such recall or
3. Is entitled to retired pay, notwithstanding that such retired pay may be
reduced due to receipt of VA disability compensation.
a. A member who waives military retired pay in order to credit military
service for purposes of a civil service retirement, or for any reason other
than to receive disability compensation from the VA, is not eligible for
b. A reservist not yet entitled to retired pay due to not yet having attained age
60 is not eligible to receive CRSC payments.
4. Has qualifying disability ratings (percentages): A retiree must be entitled to
compensation for service-connected disabilities under title 38, United States
Code, by the VA.
Attachment 1 - Program Guidance
Combat-Related Special Compensation
April 15, 2004 - Page 4
Combat-Related Special Compensation
If a member does not satisfy each of the Preliminary CRSC Criteria in paragraphs 1
through 4 above, no further consideration by the Military Department is necessary. The
member does not meet Preliminary CRSC Criteria and the application will be denied
accordingly. A member should reapply at such time as his/her ratings satisfy the specified
thresholds and he/she meets all four Preliminary CRSC Criteria.
Note that while disability ratings by the Secretary of the Military Department, as of the
date on which the member retired, may be used to help make determinations of whether
the member meets Preliminary CRSC Criteria, the actual computation of CRSC amount
(see section below -- Monthly Amount of CRSC) is based solely on VA disability
determinations and the amount of VA compensation paid, without regard to any disability
that is not combat related. Military retirement decisions may be used to determine
whether such disabilities are combat-related.
If the applicant meets each of the Preliminary CRSC Criteria of paragraphs 1
through 4 above, the Military Departments will determine whether the member’s
disabilities are qualifying combat-related disabilities as prescribed below.
A retiree is entitled to CRSC only if the Service determines that the member has
Combat-Related Disabilities (which includes any Purple Heart Disabilities) that are
compensated by the VA.
PURPLE HEART DISABILITY: A Purple Heart Disability is a disability
with an assigned medical diagnosis code from the VA Schedule for Rating
Disabilities (VASRD) that was attributed to injuries for which the member
was awarded a Purple Heart.

OTHER COMBAT-RELATED DISABILITIES: A combat-related disability
is a disability with an assigned medical diagnosis code from the VASRD that was
a. As a direct result of armed conflict,
b. While engaged in hazardous service,
c. In the performance of duty under conditions simulating war, or
d. Through an instrumentality of war.
The Military Departments will determine whether a disability is combat-related
under a, b, c, or d, above, using the definitions and criteria set forth in attachment
1-1 and this memorandum.
The Military Department shall record for each disability determined to be combatrelated
which of the circumstances above (a, b, c, or d) qualifies the disability as
A determination of combat-relatedness will be made with respect to each separate
disability with an assigned medical diagnosis code from the VASRD.
A retiree may have disabilities that are not combat-related. Such disabilities will
not be considered in determining eligibility for CRSC or the amount of CRSC
With respect to VA awards of service-connection based on presumptive
conditions under the provisions of sections 1112(b)-(c), 1116, 1117, and 1118 of
title 38, United States Code, and of 38 CFR 3.316, CRSC determinations will
presume such disability to also be combat-related if the VA Initial Rating Form
(or other substantiating documentary information) indicates that the VA rating for
the disability is based on such presumption. Thus, disabilities rated by the VA on
the basis of POW status, exposure to radiation, mustard gas or lewisite, Agent
Orange, and those disabilities associated with Persian Gulf service that are
presumed by the VA to be service-connected shall be presumed by the Military
Department to be combat-related absent documentary information that the
disability was incurred under circumstances that were not combat-related.
With respect to VA awards of service-connection for presumptive conditions
under section 1112(a) of title 38, United States Code, and Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD - VASRD Code 9411), the Military Department must
independently determine the relationship between that disability and the
qualifying criteria.
The Military Departments are not bound by any presumption described above if
there is documentary information that the disability is not combat-related. The
Military Departments shall base their determinations on such information.
SCPO President, A Premier Home Inspection
SCPO (Join to see)
9 y
I hear ya!
SFC Alfredo Gonzalez
SFC Alfredo Gonzalez
9 y
CPT Joseph K Murdock - You think CRSC is a convaluted process... Wait until you have to deal with VA! There's no 'smart' book or cheat sheets out here for these processes... You're going to have to do a lot of reading and cross-referencing if you want to get it done right the first time... Unless of course, you are lucky enough to know someone who has taken the time to read and understand these processes and is willing to help you.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
CPT Joseph K Murdock
9 y
I don't qualify but I have a VSO who rocks like a hurricane.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
3 y
Long story short, I receive VA compensation for disability from combat service in RVN. When I retired, my retainer pay was reduced by the amount of VA Compensation. Law changed and DOD still gives me reduced retainer pay, BUT also CRSC equal to amount VA gives me and non taxed as is VA compensation.
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SSG Skip Evans
trying to make sense of the CRSC process. I am 100% through VA as E6 with 16 yrs. Medically retired 05,2012. Receive 100% VA disability with IU. Rated 80% army retired with 16yrs. what should i expect for CRSC pay. Packet completed this week.
CPT Freelance Writer
CPT (Join to see)
8 y
got to this link:
fill in the appropriate blanks and it will give you an estimate of your compensation
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PO1 Aviation Machinist's Mate
COMBAT RELATED SPECIAL COMPENSATION. Answer the first two words(combat related)If you wish to receive benefits there must have been combat. I was in the Navy when I applied for CRSC that was with the Army. The Army verified my combat action and the Navy afforded me with CRSC
CPT Freelance Writer
CPT (Join to see)
8 y
Not so these are the rules for eligibility
To qualify for CRSC you must:

be entitled to and/or receiving military retired pay
be rated at least 10 percent by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA)
waive your VA pay from your retired pay
file a CRSC application with your Branch of Service
Disabilities that may be considered combat related include injuries incurred as a direct result of:
Armed Conflict
Hazardous Duty
An Instrumentality of War
Simulated War
a nonclasified occurence in a combat zone (this one is use for SF and other member) this one code is found in the DD form 214 that must be filed....
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