I thinking about being a OC. How is it?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
I will tell you being an OC/T can be very rewarding. It's all about how much you put into the job, juat remember you are in that position not help the army improve units not make them look bad. As an OC/T I focused in more on the T portion of the job title. You may want to consider JMRC also in Europe, it's one of the best duty assignments I have had in the military.
Good day. I found the thread and comments in on OC/T experience. Branch is offering JRTC. Is family time achievable in your experience?
Being an OC was one of my favorite jobs in the Army. I was a bronco. The good news is that downrange time is pretty chill. Your schedule is set so you can plan family vacations pretty far in advance. You'll also become an expert at your job.
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