Posted on Jan 17, 2015
Do Military make better LEOs in the civilian world?
Responses: 20
I stradle the fence, but overall lean to "yes."
Military Vets have the discipline. They have the conformity to a paramilitary environment. They have been inoculated to stress. They're probably not afraid to use their hands if needed. They've normally got a level head.
However, in the flip side, some Military Vets are a bit "heavy handed" with the use of force.....
Military Vets have the discipline. They have the conformity to a paramilitary environment. They have been inoculated to stress. They're probably not afraid to use their hands if needed. They've normally got a level head.
However, in the flip side, some Military Vets are a bit "heavy handed" with the use of force.....
It depends on the veterans occupational specialty. Army and Marine MPs, Navy MAs, and AF SPs have the law enforcement background and are able to readjust to Civil LE easier. Ultimately, it is the person not specifically their military background that makes a good LEO.
As a TR in AF Security Forces and a civilian police officer I have to admit that the military discipline is a plus, however, I have seen it go both ways within my department. Some ex-military make great cops, others forget that there is no rank structure outside of the military and are terrible with people, which is key to LE. I've seen civilians that I would have swore came from the military, but never joined. Bottom line, ex/current military is typically a plus, but not a guarantee.
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