Posted on Oct 19, 2014
Sgt Packy Flickinger
This should be fun. I'm sure we all have many.

At MCT (Marine Combat Training) our squad was supposed to ambush another squad. They got delayed so a runner quietly went around to our positions and told us to hold up, get some shut eye and they'll get us when they're on the move. This was around midnight or so.

Pretty soon, a tap on my shoulder "get up, they'll be here soon", he went on to the next and to the next. He got to one Marine, woke him and he jumped up, screamed his head off, threw down his rifle and took off all his clothes and ran around like a mad man.

Seem this poor Marine fell asleep in the pitch black on a fire ant mound. OUCH!
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Responses: 2
CW5 Desk Officer
Edited 10 y ago
That's a funny story, Sgt Packy Flickinger! I have a similar one, but it's probably not as funny. We were out on a night patrol during jungle operations training in Panama, and our platoon sent a recon team out ahead to look for something. I stayed behind with the rest of my platoon mates, and many of us fell asleep.

Prior to this patrol, when we first arrived at the base, we had time to hit the beach, and I got a really bad sunburn on the back of my body (legs and back, as I recall - this was in 1976, so some of the details have faded a bit).

When the recon team returned, one of my buddies, who was sleeping fairly close to me, got startled. He jumped up, and when he did, he stomped his foot down on my sun burnt leg. I let out a scream. It was kind of a chain reaction, but it ended there, with everyone whispering to everyone else to shut up and keep the noise down!
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
10 y
Lol never underestimate the sunburn!!!
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LCDR Chaplain
While in Navy ROTC at Georgia Tech, we had a MECEP (Marine enlisted taking ROTC classes to become USMC Officers) that had been a DI teaching us drill and ceremony. GySgt Sapp, I believe. We enjoyed spending classes with him, as he knew how to train (as opposed to upper-class Midshipmen, pretending to be DIs). For "left face", "right face", we had to yell "cock! drive!" for the appropriate movements. Until he told us to stop. Then gave us "left face", and that one guy...."COCK!..……." Bad day for us. "Who yelled that in my formation!" And hello to the Marine Gunny DI that he transformed to.
Then became a Chaplain, and had to go through fork-and-knife school....which I have to admit, was much more intense than ROTC's initial training. We had a Senior Chief who was an RDC (Navy's version of a drill sergeant). He was more laid back, us being professionals and officers and all, at least, more so than the others. But he definitely got his pound of flesh from us. One night, as he's giving us the "calm, mentoring training" on something, changing our covers from khaki to white I think, Retreat sounds. We're all quiet, and he goes to attention even though we're inside. And we hear just that little fart that he let escape. Not one dared say anything. Retreat finishes, and he says, "Ya'll ever seen that commercial 'bout fartin'?" (Apparently he had 5 year old step-sons, and there was a commercial that included passing gas on Nickelodeon.)
Same training, a physician, on week 4 of our 5 weeks, is wearing Service Khakis and walks out in white socks for his Summer Whites. He also wore his garrison cover backwards, with the insignia to aft. Course, this was the same guy that the Canadian Geese crapped on as it flew overhead.
Several more stories, but nothing epic, so that's enough for now.
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