Posted on Aug 13, 2014
Responses: 137
This is another BS way for the Obama administration to try and infringe on the 2nd Amendment and take people's weapons especially Veterans cause they know we won't take certain things laying down!
Yes, as a country boy I loved the field, camping, digging fighting positions, and live fire exercises!
Yes, if Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas would run then yes! He is a great man and so pro-military he wouldn't let us be gutted out as a force, worry about our pay, or retirement!

Representing the 2nd District of Arizona

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Tammy Duckworth?

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Just a natural thought. She's a great candidate - I hope she will run in the future...
PO2 Mark Saffell
im sure I will get in trouble for this answer...I would say the chances are lowfor the GOP and next to zero for a Dem. Two reasons. Most college grads dont go in the military and then politics. those are most likely lawyers. Makes you wonder about that connection between lawyer and politican but thats another discussion. And the reason you wont see a Dem that served as President is because there are so very few Dems that serve.I read someplace that of all the people on RallyPoint, something like only 13% are Dems/liberals.
SSG Ricardo Marcial
Well you have Tom Cotton (still looking for his compass to point him in the "right" direction)....please hold the applause for later......There are a few OIF/OEF veterans that have taken to political route, don't think any of them are schooled enough in Washington rhetoric to run for POTUS. But if one does, we will see what kind of support they will gets from fellow veterans.
I'd rather have one who served in Vietnam. Then he can relate to Washington being a Cluster F**K!!!
SCPO (Join to see)
Capt (Join to see) - Yes, to some degree that's true. But in many ways, dumbass meddling politicians put a lot of the names on The Wall. This war still has my vote.

America's First Afghan & Iraq War Vet to Become Senator Lights Up the Obama Administration on...
He's a Harvard Law grad who served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan...
I'd bet on Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. He was a platoon leader. Entered the army branched infantry after earning law degree at Harvard. Youngest currently serving Senator. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R Ca) is also recent veteran. He took an unpleasant beat down from Gen Odierno when Ray was testifying to Hunter's committee.
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