Posted on Aug 13, 2014
Responses: 137
I think we will see a president that served in OIF or OEF or maybe even both. Do I think that we will see it with the next elections.......unfortunately no. I think it will take a couple elections before we see someone that served in these wars, but I think it will, like it has in the past, be beneficial to not only the US Military, but the US population as well when a veteran is elected again.
MAJ Laurie H. - First, thanks for your help earlier today. Anyway, I hope we do see one because as I see it, I am really proud of our troops especially since they were operating under very tight rules of engagement and they carried it off pretty well. Now, Gen Schwartkopf and his leadership is passing on, I expect we will see more candidates that get our needs from an active duty and especially war time. I felt so good seeing these young men act like they had leaders because at the end of Vietnam many troops were careful not to be in uniform.
Since our current POTUS fires every General whose opinion ever differs, It's hard to tell if there will be anyone left at a high level who might be qualified.
SGT Richard H.
CPT Ahmed Faried - Point taken, Sir. What would be your view on the other 15 Generals and Admirals that have been relieved or forced to resign?
CPT Ahmed Faried
I'd be interested in a source for that. I'd rather debate on fact than hearsay. If that is true, its quite a number. But on another note, there are rumors of Gen. MacChrystal possibly being a VP candidate haha
SGT Richard H.
CPT Ahmed Faried regarding that side note...I'd love to see that. It would strengthen my opinion of whomever may be at the top of that ticket.
Probably. The trend for the CiC to have served has always been around... but that's mainly because we have had a major military conflict every 10-15 years since this country was founded.
Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want the job. Especially a combat veteran. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the President.
Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want the job. Especially a combat veteran. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the President.
I think we will. It might not happen right away... George Bush Senior was elected after how many decades after the war... So I defiantly think we will, however with the way things are going there might be a bigger war that overshadows this one...
Besides, correct me if I am wrong, but every General who ever ran during the final/primary election campaign (not trying to get nominated on a party's ticket) has won. (McCain was not a General and Clark didn't get the nomination...)
Besides, correct me if I am wrong, but every General who ever ran during the final/primary election campaign (not trying to get nominated on a party's ticket) has won. (McCain was not a General and Clark didn't get the nomination...)
SSG Pete Fleming
SFC Chris Smith, I did say correct me if I were wrong and thank you for doing so... However, I feel the need to regain a little pride ( I hope you don't mind)... Based off my statement I was referring to the actual election not the nomination to run on a ticket...
Admiral Stockdale was a VP not presidential candidate so he don't count. General Wesley Clark, an unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate (he did not get the nomination Clinton did). General Haig ran against Bush on the Republican ticket... Neither of them ran during the actual election campaign. They ran to get nominated on their party's ticket and failed to get the nomination...
However, MG George McClellan did lose to Lincoln and LTG Winfield Scott did lose to Peirce. Hancock, also did ran and lost (I thought he lost the nomination... but in fact lost the election)
So my initial statement is wrong... I guess not every General who ran during the primary election did win... For any Generals (or hopefuls) I hope this doesn't dash your hopes of one day running for President...
Admiral Stockdale was a VP not presidential candidate so he don't count. General Wesley Clark, an unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate (he did not get the nomination Clinton did). General Haig ran against Bush on the Republican ticket... Neither of them ran during the actual election campaign. They ran to get nominated on their party's ticket and failed to get the nomination...
However, MG George McClellan did lose to Lincoln and LTG Winfield Scott did lose to Peirce. Hancock, also did ran and lost (I thought he lost the nomination... but in fact lost the election)
So my initial statement is wrong... I guess not every General who ran during the primary election did win... For any Generals (or hopefuls) I hope this doesn't dash your hopes of one day running for President...
Will one become President who has served in OIF/OEF? That is a good question. I think the problem today will be that the good chunk of the populace will be of the mind set that says, "He served in a war. Why should I vote for them? I do not think that they would make a good President. I want a president that will provide for me." That is typical of the mind set of those that want the government to provide for them. And they see the military vets that are in office as taking that away from them.
Would it be good that the next President have military service/served in a war zone. Yes it would. That means they have knowledge of what it takes to protect and defend this country. After the cold war, we shrank our armed forces without recapitalizing/modernizing them. Yes, we did get the F-22, and the Navy did get new Submarines and surface ships (Carriers, Cruisers, destroyers, and Frigates). But the modernization of forces should have been done along side of the draw down. Not oh we can take care of anyone with what we have. We need a President that understands that and can tell congress to F itself when they say we do not need to modernize. When they say, "we want to spend more money on things like welfare, education, etc. But we want to cut defense spending." Instead of reforming those programs.
So we need a someone who can tell congress that they should be following the Constitution and not what someone that believes in social justice wants. Because that is exactly what is going on now.
Would it be good that the next President have military service/served in a war zone. Yes it would. That means they have knowledge of what it takes to protect and defend this country. After the cold war, we shrank our armed forces without recapitalizing/modernizing them. Yes, we did get the F-22, and the Navy did get new Submarines and surface ships (Carriers, Cruisers, destroyers, and Frigates). But the modernization of forces should have been done along side of the draw down. Not oh we can take care of anyone with what we have. We need a President that understands that and can tell congress to F itself when they say we do not need to modernize. When they say, "we want to spend more money on things like welfare, education, etc. But we want to cut defense spending." Instead of reforming those programs.
So we need a someone who can tell congress that they should be following the Constitution and not what someone that believes in social justice wants. Because that is exactly what is going on now.
CPO William E. Mahoney
SSG Ferguson, I would highly support a combat veteran running for President or any other political office. I feel they would have a much better understanding of what our military needs as well as what our injured veterans require as they recover from their wounds
MAJ Laurie H.
I doubt it. Given our recent history, veterans don't seem to be overly popular Presidential candidates.
I doubt it. Given our recent history, veterans don't seem to be overly popular Presidential candidates.
Will we? I think those chances are good considering we have veterans already serving in many levels of government. The deeper question is, does it give that candidate any special creds?
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