Posted on May 17, 2021
Veteran Spotlight: General Gordon R. Sullivan | United States Army
What an honor and true pleasure to interview Gordon R. Sullivan. The former Army Chief of Staff and Four-Star General served his country in the United States Army from 1959 – 1995 and was a member of The Joint Chiefs of Staff and served as acting Secretary of the Army. The General’s office is a part of true American history. Framed pictures, flags, awards, personal letters from presidents and commendations surround the room. I asked the General what the stars were on one of his flags (A Vice Chairman Flag) and he replied, “there are thirteen of them. They represent the thirteen original colonies.” Among all the treasures, were an abundance of extraordinary books that range from military strategy to history to his own; Hope Is Not A Method. The most important quality I found in being with the General is despite his military stature, he is one of the most down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. Sentiments shared by many others all over the world.
As I took my seat the General, with writing pad in hand, gave me a copy of the Norwich University (he’s a proud graduate of the class of 1959) Statement of Guiding Values. The core was on integrity, honor, service to the nation and perseverance in the face of adversity. Then, gave a brief overview on the important aspects of the Statement Values. “You’ll find these very important. These Values, never change” he told me. He shared a wonderful story of his being at Norwich University. “I worked in the kitchen to earn extra money. My mother came to me and told me that she couldn’t swing college anymore. One of my classmates signed for some pretty decent money with the Red Sox. I asked him to co-sign a loan for me and he did. I worked as a summer bartender to pay off my debt.”
General Sullivan shared his “desire to be a soldier” after he attended ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Knox around 1958. “I loved soldiering” he said. He served in Korea (14 months) and did two tours of duty in Vietnam as well as one in Europe. When asked about mentors during his 36-year military career, General Sullivan responded quickly, “Julius Becton (3-Star General), Carl Vuono (4-Star General) and Colonel Sidney Hack. “It was Colonel Hack who said to me, you can go the distance – but you gotta’ want to do it” remembered General Sullivan, still impressed by the words. I asked General Sullivan his thoughts on being away for the holiday’s, not as a soldier but as a commanding General. He offered this: “It was a big concern for me….we had to entertain them…..keep them busy. We tried to keep them out of the fields. It worked in Korea, but not in Vietnam, unfortunately. I wanted to have the appropriate meals for our troops at Thanksgiving and Christmas with the appropriate food, to give them a little feel of home. It was extremely important to me, as I was around a lot” he recalled, then added, “you cannot let your soldier’s feel like you cannot love them. They need to know you respect them.”
General Sullivan then went to a passage and read this out loud for my privilege; The faith gave you victory at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Also, when you have completed your best preparations, you go into battle without hesitation as at Chattanooga—no doubts, no reserve, and, I tell you that it was this that made us act with confidence. I knew wherever I was that you thought of me and if I got in a tight place you would come, if alive. The letter was dated March 1864 and was sent to General W.T. Sherman from General Grant. “What that means is that you’re going to die trying” said the General. He also told me to read The Soldier’s Oath – “That represents the country.” I also had the privilege to scan through Gordon R. Sullivan, The Collected Works 1991 – 1995. A book that is filled with priceless notes, speeches and personal quotes from the General.
There is simply not enough room to pay the appropriate tribute to General Sullivan. His awards, achievements and accolades are immense and here are a few; Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal (2), Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. “I have spent my whole life as an American soldier – if I could do it again, I would. All of our veterans old and young, they took an oath to defend The United States of America. That means a lot to me.” From my time with General Sullivan I can tell that he was never a “desk” General. His love and passion was being with his troops. You will not find more of a regular gentleman. General Gordon R. Sullivan, America thanks you for your service to our great country sir.
As I took my seat the General, with writing pad in hand, gave me a copy of the Norwich University (he’s a proud graduate of the class of 1959) Statement of Guiding Values. The core was on integrity, honor, service to the nation and perseverance in the face of adversity. Then, gave a brief overview on the important aspects of the Statement Values. “You’ll find these very important. These Values, never change” he told me. He shared a wonderful story of his being at Norwich University. “I worked in the kitchen to earn extra money. My mother came to me and told me that she couldn’t swing college anymore. One of my classmates signed for some pretty decent money with the Red Sox. I asked him to co-sign a loan for me and he did. I worked as a summer bartender to pay off my debt.”
General Sullivan shared his “desire to be a soldier” after he attended ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Knox around 1958. “I loved soldiering” he said. He served in Korea (14 months) and did two tours of duty in Vietnam as well as one in Europe. When asked about mentors during his 36-year military career, General Sullivan responded quickly, “Julius Becton (3-Star General), Carl Vuono (4-Star General) and Colonel Sidney Hack. “It was Colonel Hack who said to me, you can go the distance – but you gotta’ want to do it” remembered General Sullivan, still impressed by the words. I asked General Sullivan his thoughts on being away for the holiday’s, not as a soldier but as a commanding General. He offered this: “It was a big concern for me….we had to entertain them…..keep them busy. We tried to keep them out of the fields. It worked in Korea, but not in Vietnam, unfortunately. I wanted to have the appropriate meals for our troops at Thanksgiving and Christmas with the appropriate food, to give them a little feel of home. It was extremely important to me, as I was around a lot” he recalled, then added, “you cannot let your soldier’s feel like you cannot love them. They need to know you respect them.”
General Sullivan then went to a passage and read this out loud for my privilege; The faith gave you victory at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Also, when you have completed your best preparations, you go into battle without hesitation as at Chattanooga—no doubts, no reserve, and, I tell you that it was this that made us act with confidence. I knew wherever I was that you thought of me and if I got in a tight place you would come, if alive. The letter was dated March 1864 and was sent to General W.T. Sherman from General Grant. “What that means is that you’re going to die trying” said the General. He also told me to read The Soldier’s Oath – “That represents the country.” I also had the privilege to scan through Gordon R. Sullivan, The Collected Works 1991 – 1995. A book that is filled with priceless notes, speeches and personal quotes from the General.
There is simply not enough room to pay the appropriate tribute to General Sullivan. His awards, achievements and accolades are immense and here are a few; Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal (2), Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. “I have spent my whole life as an American soldier – if I could do it again, I would. All of our veterans old and young, they took an oath to defend The United States of America. That means a lot to me.” From my time with General Sullivan I can tell that he was never a “desk” General. His love and passion was being with his troops. You will not find more of a regular gentleman. General Gordon R. Sullivan, America thanks you for your service to our great country sir.
Posted 4 y ago
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