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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Oct 22, 2014
RallyPoint Team
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Responses: 249
SP5 Joel McDargh
I know I will tick a bunch of ya off, but I am not fully in support of transgender. If an individual is that confused about his or her gender then I doubt I could trust said individual being able to distinguish between friend or foe. Not going to lie, I am a staunch conservative which does play a huge role in my beliefs and way of thinking. It is what it is.
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LTC Jeff Shearer
Edited >1 y ago
Okay I dont think I voiced my opinion today as far as you know so brace your self here we go. If I am not mistaken we have made some huge leaps in the area of letting the fairer sex into combat arms holding combat arms MOSs. Example is we now have some female Rangers and some female Infantry Officers. Some women have gone to BUDs and SFAS and I am sure it is only a matter of time before one passes. As I have said a million times I dont care if thats how they want to serve, go for it, just pass the same standard as the men.

I started with that just because, or maybe to show I am a open minded modern man. I will first say I would not allow a person to join any armed service that could not easily spout off what they were, man or woman. That would have to followed up with showing the stuff, a penis or vagina. I would never allow someone to join the armed service with plans of a sex change surgery. The armed service is there to protect the USA that is done by exporting violence not getting pee pees cut off. Call me old school, call me out of touch or whatever you would like but I am right. We have enough issues in the armed service without intentionally bringing in issues that would have much greater investment than payoff. I dont give a shit what kind of special little whatever it is that you need if you are so damn fragile stay at the damn house. We are a volunteer military that is an issue we dont need. I am sorry if you dont like what I wrote, or if I hurt your feelings but I am right. I have worked in all kinds of environments very few nice, I have decades of experience and our service deserves the best, because I would not think twice about putting them in the worst. I need to stop
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
So there is 15,500 men who identify as Women. And no one has noticed. They don't belong in the military. Its about serving your country. Not your life style.
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SSgt Boyd Welch
Personally, I don't care how a person identifies themselves unless it becomes such a raging issue that it interferes with "good order and discipline". I do object to the military or VA paying for gender reassignment surgery when we have battle wounded that take three months to get a VA appointment.....
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SPC Sheila Lewis
Maybe it's for the better.
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Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
The poll at this link showed 94% of those answering the survey believe that science does not support the arguments for transgenderism. Only 6% believe there is a scientific link. Granted this is not a scientific survey because those who responded are the only ones in the sample and this doesn't represent a cross-section of the general public. But I'm reasonably confident that one could presume that the majority in this country don't buy the arguments from the Left that this is healthy and normal.

I think that Progressives are pushing LGBT values on our society because it suits their agenda. They are teaching our children the benefits of socialism and polluting their minds with their equal outcome socialist ideals. They want a dumbed down population [because educated people consume more resources, and this would be bad for the planet] that is unarmed and dependent on government to provide for their basic needs. Note that a government powerful enough to give you things is also powerful enough to take them away.

By depriving the general population of the desire and means to mount up a resistance, Big Gub'ment ensures that the people will be more compliant and unable to resist its efforts to control them. Progressives want to manage people like cattle, and they have a goal of reducing the world's population from 7.4 billion to a sustainable 500 million. And of course, Big Gub'ment is going to decide who gets to live and who gets to reproduce. They control the food supply, the healthcare and the media.

And thus it simply makes sense that they would be big proponents of the LBGT agenda because this falls in line with their population reduction efforts. Gay people tend not to reproduce. Their support for Islam is one I believe that is a marriage of convenience, but how can it work when you have two competing agendas at work? Islam actually runs counter to their agenda yet Progressives embrace it. Why? Islam is anti-LGBT agenda, and Muslims tend to reproduce at higher rates than in the West. But they also kill each other off and that kind of makes up for it? It makes no sense and this marriage is only for a season. It will not last. When each side is sufficiently satisfied that it has used the other enough to accomplish its purposes, the marriage will be over.

I believe the Globalists see utility in letting the Islamists wage war against the West. This has a benefit of reducing the world's population. Islam is all about control and submission. They will help rid the world of those who have it in their DNA to resist being controlled. Why gays would embrace Islam is anyone's guess, but I believe that they do so out of cowardice. You can't appease Islam. It gets you nowhere with them. If you understand anything about Islam, understand that it doesn't make compromises. Those embracing Islam will find out soon enough what a mistake that has been when the Muslims start taking over American cities and driving everyone else out of them including those gays that supported them -- like Obama. SMH.

The best thing for America is to return to the vision our Founding Fathers had, where:
* All men are created equal by God, and are therefore equal under the law.
* We are a nation that honors our Constitution and respects the rule of law. No double standards -- no "special" treatment of minorities... just fair treatment. We do not promote one group at the expense of another to make up for past injustice.
* We are a nation of immigrants, but a nation with borders that respects the rule of law as it applies to immigration. If you want to live here, you must come LEGALLY, and you must be willing to assimilate into American society. Those who wish to remain separate and do not recognize the sovereignty of our government and Western laws, and instead prefer Sharia law, for example, should find somewhere else to live!
* We are a tolerant nation, but our tolerance does not mean we let a desire for political correctness and the incessant whining of particular agenda driven minorities dictate our conscience and morality. Because we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy, minority views are represented and taken into account. Efforts will be made to find a happy place where both majority and minority agendas might be satisfied without causing undue detriment to the majority of society. If that is not possible, what's best for the majority trumps the minority opinion in the decision making, and the majority views will be represented.
* People are judged by their work and accomplishments, not by the color of their skin or their gender. We don't vote for people because they are black, or because they are a woman; we vote for the most qualified candidate!
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SMSgt Alan Saunders
Transgendered individuals who hide their biological gender (born as a boy or a girl) for the purpose of pretending to be someone they are not, are lying to those around them and would be guilty of enlistment fraud as a result. On the medical side of this, the DSM still classified Gender Dysphoria (PC term) as a mental health syndrome which is treatable and therefore changeable. Given that, it would seem the mental health community believes transgender people choose to change how they view themselves and therefore render the "genetic" argument invalid. Therefore, IMHO, the ban should stay in place.
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Capt Tom Brown
This seems to be pretty well settled by recent enactments of DOD. Maybe the worst is over for these folks.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
So know Rally point is now transgender point. Please rename it. Being in the military is about serving your country.
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MSgt Security Business Analyst
What about Military Service is "Fair?" You answer that question (truthfully and Honestly) you can find the answer to the question about Transgender service members.

My Problem: As a Supervisor, how do I keep my subordinates safe and on target when they decide to be individuals and go against the grain? Hell, it is their choice to do so, but when it goes against our standards and degrades unit cohesion and effectiveness our leaders have to step in.

What is the true answer? IS the military going to have to do away with Sex Distinguished Restrooms? What about Lodging Commendations? Are we going to have to consider the members' sex when assigning lodging?
What about those that will "Self Identify" just to be around the opposite sex? I can see a high rate of sexual assaults when we start taking so much into consideration.

How about this: Read up on the Enlisted Force Structure (for your service), look at what you (at your rank) are supposed to do, and stick to that.
Read up on the UCMJ and stop violating it.
Read up on your Service's Core Values and live by them.
Treat everyone you come in contact with, with respect and how you want to be treated.
Start acting like Damned Service Members and not a bunch of school children.
Start understanding there are more important things than your feelings and what you want.
Lastly, When you start feeling like you need to be something you were not born as, walk in their shoes (literally) for a little bit before you make a choice to change who you are. That change is going to take lots of medication and hormones for the rest of your life, and even surgery. Be careful. Once you start being who you are not, you will never find out who you really are.

"God Don't Make No Junk!"
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