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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Oct 22, 2014
RallyPoint Team
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Responses: 249
OKAY my understanding is that a woman who has "transitioned" to being man (or the man who has gone the opp direction) actually really wants you and I to go along with the decision. So if they bring behavior in line with the external appearance why then should their service be anything other than "silent"??
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MSG Titus Griffin
Fellow soldier, airman, seaman, marine.......whatever!!! Let's drop "they." Enough said.....let's move on.
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CPT Zachary Brooks
Edited 10 y ago
Interesting that 90% of them are male to female. Does that say anything about the transgender mentality?

I am all for them serving. If you want to serve and you can do so properly, who am I to say otherwise.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
CPT Zachary Brooks, don't forget about the sea monkeys, right?
As far as food choices and quality...hmmm...the effects on the developing fetus? I'm not sure. I guess we'd have to study some qualitative research on the health of newborns over the years. My thoughts would be, if that is a possible contribution, we'd see a rise in birth defects as well, UNLESS the chemicals in these processed foods is somehow interfering with neuro-development alone. That's damn interesting.
Additionally, what about the wide world of medications people are taking? Some meds, like Glucophage, for diabetes, causes a lower testosterone level in women. Tie this in with obesity and cheap, fatty foods...and, well, I have to wonder too, if there may be some type of correlation going on. I have to think about this for a while...
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
10 y
SGT (Join to see) Consider this one: Something is making girls hit puberty sooner and leading to more issues later in life. This is mostly happening more often in say American women than in rural Chinese women. This may be due to environmental factors, food, etc (some are outlined in the link below). This early puberty is likely due to unnatural amounts of chemicals in the body, which may lead to individuals feeling that they are in the wrong body. So likely a higher amount of estrogen has caused a developed male to feel that he is in the wrong body, all of which caused by some environmental factor.

SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
CPT Zachary Brooks, quite possibly. And if we go back a little further, back to the embryonic stage, we may see a similar causation of the developing fetal brain.
Or...these precocious females, who of course, are born with all of the eggs they are ever going to have, are later producing babies who have, due to chemical exposure, are predisposed to hormonal imbalances.
The experts aren't sure about the reasons for precocious puberty, according to the article. I'm fairly certain that the correlation between this and transgenderism is possible. It may not be a causation, but we are looking at the physiological angle.
LCpl James Robertson
LCpl James Robertson
10 y
Just chiming in on the Captain, articles on young girls puberty, watch for Chicken McNuggets, and other chicken products, these chickens are being pumped with chemicals, to make a chick to grow to a full blown adult chicken in six weeks, those chemicals also enters the child, and the same results happened puberty. our food is no longer safe no more but we have to eat, science is doing a lot of things with food now to mass produce for the almighty dollar, lots of food is generic and not the real thing, but life has come so fast pace that free range chicken is not available but to costly. Meats are being substitute at the cost of injuring its customer, take a look at how prevalent cancer is now, its all in the food, but no one wants to admit it. We are in a world today that don't care.
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LCpl Michael Cappello
In order to make it "FAIR" we would eventually have to support and pay for gender reassignment surgery. That would mean people whose ONLY real reason to join is free gender reassignment surgery. That is NOT the proper motivation to serve. It also means that the majority of their tour would be spent on light duty and dealing with the transition. Either way, they are NOT joining and serving for the right reasons and I will NOT trust them in combat. Get the surgery on your own and maybe then we will talk of military service.
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CAPT Edward Schmitt
No, they should not be in the military. They have a mental condition, sexual dysphoria, and need to deal with that before joining.
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SGT Tami Ramos
I am ok with trans agender personnel serving if they are genuine about doing so and not just in service to get their transition paid for. Personally, I think the transition should take place before or after service and a waiver should be in place stating that anything related to the transition will not be covered medically during or after service. If the person is ok with this, then come one, come all. My husband and I have a friend who transitioned while in service with their own funds. That person has since gotten out, became a law enforcement officer in TX and is lovin' life. We also was able to meet ex-navy seal, Kristen Beck in my little western MD town. Great conversation. Unfortunately, some pull off the transition much better than others - like Blair White. However, the service should be uninterrupted and have no need for medication or medical intervention or such when doing your job in a wartime situation. If you allow this it is a weak link in the chain of success.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Remember when the mission came first and mental health issues barred you from service! I miss the good old days of hard training and prepping for deployments! Not changing my sec before the next PFT to get a better score. Remember you can be in 400th place on the mens swim team, but join the women's and take 1st place!
PO3 Steven Guess
Since when has the military become a social justice warrior experiment? (Ok, the navy started in the early 70s with uncle zoomie). The military has NOTHING to do with fair, and definitely not a transgender experiment. Your only job as a member of the armed forces is to make it succeed at breaking things and killing people better than any other military and everything I've read and heard talking to people in the military says that we've got a problem.
The whole point of boot camp is to break you down and remake you to fit the mold, not worry if you might get your feewings hurt.
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TSgt John Brody
Transgender people have some serious mis-wiring going on in their brains. This disqualifies them for service.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
Not getting into politics, however, it is my thought that service is not an issue and all people can stand side by side and fight.

There are several issues associated:
1. The athletic ability and physical testing of fitness. Since these scores matter in promotion, it may set an unfair advantage for grade selection.

2. As long as it is considered an Elle river surgery the government should not pay.

3. There should only be open access to the gendered latrines after the person is transformed. This has to be respected as those entering on both sides should be made to feel safe.

Not all encompassing and not, and until all is figured out there has to be sone sort of knowledge of past gender. Otherwise how do you manage any and all issues.

This is a very complex situation, no one she be made to feel unsafe and uncomfortable in their own skin. That goes in all directions.

I hope this is taken in the intended context.

Thank you.
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