Posted on Apr 26, 2018
MajGen Mullen, Commanding General at MCAGCC , here for a live Q&A on 5/2 @ 6pm ET to discuss career development and leadership. Questions?
Major General Mullen was commissioned via the NROTC program at Marquette University in 1986 and assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines where he served as a rifle and weapons platoon commander, and Battalion training officer from 1987 to 1990. From 1990-1993 he served as a platoon commander, executive officer and Commanding Officer of the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Company, deployed to Operation Desert Shield and participated in several counter-narcotics missions in support of Joint Task Force-6, also serving as Battalion training officer. In 1993, he was transferred to 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (later converted to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines), as the Commanding Officer of Fox Company. He participated in Operation Sea Signal in 1994, and deployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit from 1995 to 1996 as the small boat raid and cliff assault company commander. From 1996 to 1999 he served as the Inspector-Instructor for Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines and led a successful counter-narcotics mission in the Los Padres National Forest of California. In 1999 he was selected to be the Marine Aide to the President, and served in that capacity until attending the School of Advanced Warfighting in 2001. After school, he reported to the Joint Operations Division of the Joint Staff, J-3 for duty in the PACOM and CENTCOM sections, and served as Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director for Regional Operations until 2004.
In 2004 he reported to 2nd Marine Division for duty as the Division Plans Officer, and was chosen later that year to be the Operations Officer for Regimental Combat Team – 8, with whom he deployed to Fallujah, Iraq from 2005 to 2006. After returning, he assumed command of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines and returned to Fallujah in 2007. Following command he attended the Naval War College from 2008 to 2009, and subsequently commanded the Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group from 2009 to 2012. After selection to Brigadier General in 2012, he was assigned as the Commanding General, Education Command, and President, Marine Corps University. In 2013 he was assigned as the Director of Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development and Integration, then in 2015 he deployed and served as the Director of Operations and Target Engagement Authority in the Combined Joint Operations Center in Baghdad until June 2016. In July of 2016, he assumed command of Marine Corps Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center and was promoted to Major General in July 2017.
Major General Mullen holds a BA and MA in Political Science from Marquette University, as well as an MA in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College. He is a graduate of the Advanced Artillery Officer Course, School of Advanced Warfighting, Airborne, Ranger, Summer Mountain Leader and Royal Marine Arctic Warfare Survival courses. He also co-authored the book Fallujah Redux which came out in 2014. All proceeds for the book go to the Semper Fi Fund. He and his wife Vicki have three adult children.
In 2004 he reported to 2nd Marine Division for duty as the Division Plans Officer, and was chosen later that year to be the Operations Officer for Regimental Combat Team – 8, with whom he deployed to Fallujah, Iraq from 2005 to 2006. After returning, he assumed command of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines and returned to Fallujah in 2007. Following command he attended the Naval War College from 2008 to 2009, and subsequently commanded the Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group from 2009 to 2012. After selection to Brigadier General in 2012, he was assigned as the Commanding General, Education Command, and President, Marine Corps University. In 2013 he was assigned as the Director of Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development and Integration, then in 2015 he deployed and served as the Director of Operations and Target Engagement Authority in the Combined Joint Operations Center in Baghdad until June 2016. In July of 2016, he assumed command of Marine Corps Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center and was promoted to Major General in July 2017.
Major General Mullen holds a BA and MA in Political Science from Marquette University, as well as an MA in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College. He is a graduate of the Advanced Artillery Officer Course, School of Advanced Warfighting, Airborne, Ranger, Summer Mountain Leader and Royal Marine Arctic Warfare Survival courses. He also co-authored the book Fallujah Redux which came out in 2014. All proceeds for the book go to the Semper Fi Fund. He and his wife Vicki have three adult children.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 12
Hello General! This story has been in the news and I wanted your input about it. I wonder if the Marine Corps Reserve has the same problem as the Army Reserve. I would not be surprised the National Guard has the same problem. What are your thoughts? General, Please read the comments by the RP Guard and Reserve Soldiers and Senior NCO experiences linked to this story. We value your knowledge and military service....OOORAHH!!!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs MAJ (Join to see) LT Brad McInnis CPT(P) Jake Ledgerwood 2LT (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas LTC Eric Udouj SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs MAJ (Join to see) LT Brad McInnis CPT(P) Jake Ledgerwood 2LT (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas LTC Eric Udouj SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C.

The Army Reserve Simply Doesn’t Have Enough People Willing to Fill Command Slots | RallyPoint
If you are a Company Grade or soon-to-be Field Grade Officer that has been board selected for promotion in the Army National Guard and yet you can't get promoted because you can't find a slot or the good old boys are still calling the shots, then come to the Army Reserve and get your promotion! We have slots and Leadership positions for you and that includes Mid-level Non-Commissioned Officers! I was board selected for CPT in the ARNG in 2003...
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LTC (Join to see)
The Proctologist Club is alive and well. I even know a friend who's in a battalion. He wants to get away from the unit and he wants to go in the inactive ready Reserve or irr but they don't want him to and they take their sweet time even though his packet is sitting for 2 months at Brigade or some level higher. He wants to go irr because he has a title 10 active duty position waiting for him but if he tells his leadership the truth, they'll say no just to spite him. So you have good company and field grade officers leaving are often better than the ones that are staying. It's probably going to take an IG complaint to get this packet moved into the inactive ready Reserve.

LTC (Join to see)
Have you heard about the crabs in the bucket mentality? The crabs in the bucket mentality is a bunch of crabs are in a bucket and one tries to get out of the bucket and the others pulled him in so he can get away. You could also call it jealousy

CPT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Or envy. or spiritual wickedness in high places, etc.......

MajGen (Join to see)
I am hesitant to offer a response regarding the Army Reserve and NG, or even the Marine Corps Reserve for that matter because I have not had close contact with them for years. I do know that we command screen CO's and SgtsMaj to put people in specific billets, but below them, we do have issues with officers and SNCOs filling positions. Much of that is cured when a unit is ordered to activate because Marines come forward to fill positions. We are currently activating one of our Reserve battalions to help ease operational tempo. I am sure they will do well. Like any unit though, people are drawn to good leadership, so if you can at least star with that, your chances of filling key positions are better. That is why we screen and slate for commanders and senior SNCOs. I hope that helps.
It would be an honor to hear what you have to say on any subject Sir. I'd love to hear your advice to a new Officer hoping to make a positive impact on the climate of the military today, and what you think are the greatest challenges and opportunities faced by the next generation of Military leaders.
MajGen (Join to see)
Thanks for the question - a new officer makes a positive impact by learning as much about his/her profession and specific MOS as possible. Never stop studying and learning to make yourself better. Then ensure you always provide a positive role model. You earn respect through your actions which always speak louder that words. Lastly, focus on taking care of you subordinates and ensuring they get what they need to succeed - do that and they will always ensure you succeed.
General, I am the coach of six Facebook groups; wherein I save lives. I have been very successful at reaching my group members.
How do I best lead my groups? How do I best reach my group members? What topics would interest suicidal Active Duty troops and Veterans best?
Most Sincerely, Margaret C. Higgins U.S. Army Retired: Coach/Photographer
General, I am the coach of six Facebook groups; wherein I save lives. I have been very successful at reaching my group members.
How do I best lead my groups? How do I best reach my group members? What topics would interest suicidal Active Duty troops and Veterans best?
Most Sincerely, Margaret C. Higgins U.S. Army Retired: Coach/Photographer
MSG Andrew White
SPC Margaret Higgins
MajGen (Join to see)
Thank you very much for what you do as I am sure you are indeed saving lives. As for connecting with your group members, I think the best way is to try and communicate with them personally. Sometimes I think the electronic isolation that seems to be prevalent with those who have grown up in the digital age contributes to the challenges we are seeing with depression and suicidal thoughts. I am not a Doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn wait, it is a Marriott!
SPC Margaret Higgins
MajGen (Join to see) - I am constantly trying to figure out ways to help, Love, and, sympathize with others. I think that your idea of relating to others in person, and, saving the lives of people around me: is a VERY GOOD ONE, GENERAL MULLEN! And, LOL, regarding your staying at the Holiday Inn Express....I mean at the Marriott??!! ;)
And, General, Thank You for your lengthy response to me!
And, General, Thank You for your lengthy response to me!
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