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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Sep 25, 2023
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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Responses: 135
Amy in Texas
Ya'll need to fix a broken system. My husband went in for severe depression and they made him wait nearly two months to see someone. THAT IS NOT OK. This is why people are dieing, you treat them like they need to get in line, instead of like they matter.
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PO3 Edward McParland
During my darkest time there were Mental Help Clinics in the neighborhoods. You could just walk in and get help. Political budgets have long done away with those.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
I struggle daily to stay here. The lack of prompt healthcare and apathy from the VA are contributing factors. To reduce military suicide, I suggest we give troops the option to quit the service if military life is not for them. It is my opinion that Servicemembers and Veterans commit suicide because we feel like discarded toys that don’t get the proper support. Also, the claims process needs overhaul. I was forced into poverty for 4 years and had to forgive my retro claim to use RAMP which still took 6 months to process. Perhaps that is another cause of Veteran suicide.

Did y’all know that Federal Law provides that VA doctors receive bonuses? Now all workers are entitled to at least a cost-of-living increase annually, but I don’t feel that’s the case here. I’ve been trying for a couple years to find out how those bonuses are determined and I’m hitting brick walls. I feel that if they reduce expenses, they get their bonuses and that’s why they deny us needed diagnostic testing and treatment.

What it boils down to is the VA needs to get its act together and prioritize Veteran claims and healthcare, rather than lining its own pockets. It is more expensive to be disabled and we need support, not the “delay, deny and hope you die” attitude from the very organization that was created to help us. If the VA can’t or won’t help Veterans, then our healthcare should be privatized and the organization should be disbanded in my opinion.
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
Hi, Sgt! As far as getting help with disability benefits I recommend VFW, AL, or my personal favorite Disabled American Veterans. Since I'm a life member of both VFW and DAV they both send me their magazines and they're always mentioning that they're speaking up for us in Congress to give us our benefits, increase our benefits, and improve patient case outcomes to the VA. Please apply for disability benefits with representation from either group. Never apply for VA benefits alone. VSO's are like free lawyers.
PFC Michael Boyd
Marijuana, volunteering
Sgt Matthew Gibson
Sgt Matthew Gibson
12 mo
If done wisely, sure. It can help. It can also hurt under certain conditions. I'm glad it works for you.

Take care of yourself first, then serve others, you'll be able to do more for longer and better. The logic to serve others when you feel down is helpful to most people, for those who are already heavily inclined to help others, it can hinder them. Act accordingly, and know yourself.

For the Marijuana do not take under the age of 25, as it slows down processes permanently if done so. And certain conditions do not work with it, such as CPTSD.

An alternative is actually exercise and supplementing with Vitamin D, B Complex, Folic Acid, and Magnesium. Which has been shown to not only help, but in many cases cure PTSD. Vitamin D low numbers tie directly to depression and memory problems, so it helps in many areas. Magnesium is to go to for first steps for any mental health issue. Together all of them are what is needed to help build structures in the brain as you rewire it through exercise.
PFC Michael Boyd
PFC Michael Boyd
12 mo
I’m sure there’s explanations for all sorts not being the case here but thanks for your opinion.
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PVT Michael Davis
I found out after my service as a Patient Care Specialist in the U.S. Army that I have Bipolar Axis II. This was a huge problem until the diagnosis and the correct medication was found to correct this chemical imbalance in my brain. Before I was Manic to the point of being, "God's right-hand man on Earth," to being depressed to the point of being disappointed when I woke up every morning. Praying to die in my sleep like my Maternal Grandfather.

Now that I am on Depakote my mood is just above the happy line. I smile more that I frown and am enjoying my life more than I ever have.

I am so happy with my Veterans Administration Mental Health Team I cannot begin to praise them enough. The PRRC classes offered by Fort Miley have given me a real sense of Empowerment over my life and I would like to thank Mickey Pacheco for his teams' support and training.

I have received support from the HUD-VASH teams just down the block from the VA Downtown Clinic at 401 3rd Street (cross Harrison Street). The entire HUD-VASH team helped me to pull myself up by the bootstraps of my Corcoran's and now after being homeless just last May (2022) I am living in a nice Studio apartment at the Mendelsohn House on Folsom Street here in San Francisco. My HUD-VASH counselor Sarah is amazing and is always there to help me and answer questions.

I started working for Swords to Plowshares and helping my fellow veterans gives me the biggest, and better high that I ever found in my Substance Abuse days.

Thanks to everyone at the VA, PRRC, Mental Health, Primary Care, Specialty Clinics, Swords to Plowshares and everyone else that helped this old veteran get back to the right side of the tracks!

God Bless all of you and your families!
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
12 mo
PVT Michael Davis I’m so glad you shared
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
Another VA success story! Stories like yours are always good to hear!
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SPC Lynne Magruder
The VA is full of Nazis and anti- melanin immigrants instead of pretending we aren't the most talented group, respect our molecularly superior copper skin, and get over your fake superiority, and persecution. The Va is a place that old racists get to prey on an already under served group of innocent prisoners of war, stop being criminals, that is a start, stop shrugging your shoulders, saying un fortunately , stop being lazy , the va is full of civilians who can't even keep an appointment, let alone tell former leaders who've been through one hell, and forced to burn in another, how about grow a soul, that is a start
PVT Michael Davis
PVT Michael Davis
12 mo
It seems you forget that every person that is living on this planet ORIGINATED in Africa. The DNA studies have proven through the patriarchal line, that the African Diaspora is THE TRUTH! The percentage of melanin in our skins has changed over the eons of the Diaspora to the point where even a guy who is "two shades from being an albino" knows that his ancestors came from the African Continent.

Let us not be judged by the content of our melanin percentages, but on the content of our character, to paraphrase the great Martin Luther King Jr.!

If the VA personnel in your region are so bad, please file grievances against the offending personnel. There is no room in America for the kind of abuse you are suffering from. We have come a long way, in my short lifetime, but we still have VERY FAR TO GO TO A TRUELY DIVERSE, EQUITABLE, AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETY!

You and I are the watchdogs, we must be vigilant AND unrelenting the expectations for true equality for all Women, Men, Children, Parents, Grand-Parents, Aunties, Uncles, Neice's and Nephew's. If you are mistreated, ESPECIALLY AT THE VA, REPORT IT OFFICIALLY, investigations will follow! If we do not carry this Guide On ourselves, we forfeit the right to complain..
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PFC Ernie Chacon
What has worked best for me is not to belong to groups. No disrespect, tried group therapy once , I felt worse . Moved on quietly. Been fine ever since . 50 plus years ago.
PO3 Jon Harren
PO3 Jon Harren
12 mo
I did group therapy once at the VA. It helped initially but the group leader retired and his replacement was awful - counterproductive. I wouldn't try a group again based on that.
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
I'm currently in group therapy through VA Video Connect. It's been fine so far. I don't have to talk and I do it from the comfort of my own home. They don't require us to talk so I just listen to my fellow veterans stories.
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PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier
Every morning I read the daily word on the Bible app. The more I learn about God, the more I know He will Always be there. In the good and the bad times.
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
12 mo
PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier I love that app. It’s one of the saving graces of my survival. Glad to know you are there too!
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
I'm downloading this app right now! Thanks!
PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier
PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier
12 mo
I'm using the Bible App by YouVersion.com. Download it now for your mobile device.

Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
12 mo
PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier do you have any interest in doing one of their reading plans together?
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SP6 Terry Williams
I have struggle because as I saw no end in sight with my medical condition and the VA DR's only had there agenda in place...

But through the help of my family,, that what's saved me and I still struggle today....The VA Dr's are not helping because they are the absolute decision makers on my Health at the VA......
PO2 Stephen Cline
PO2 Stephen Cline
12 mo
Some desk jockey they call a director makes all the decisions they call policies that even trump federal law. The only good VA doctors I've seen are ex VA doctors that had enough of the VA's policies themselves, that got a real job in a real hospital.
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SGT Brent Scott
After seeing a late night infomercial and seeing someone that was a cause of my mst I began having bad memories and nightmares, I was receiving mental health for anxiety and tremors but wasn’t comfortable speaking to my health provider at the time about the incident, but I did ask for additional help and was just loaded up on more meds, unfortunately those meds made me take a wrong turn and it sent me into a deeper depression, the state I was in was unlike something I had never experienced. I tried and tried to find things to keep me occupied but it didn’t work, my marriage was being affected and my relationship with my children and friends was taking a turn for the worse. I can’t say and I won’t say that I did not think about suicide, I thought about it a lot, and eventually got to that point where I attempted it two different times. I tried blowing my brains out with a 9 mm and the firing pin hit the bullet and it didn’t go off, I was so shaken and upset I never mentioned it to anyone, I tried again two weeks later with my 45 ! I loaded the clip with one round and chambered it, put it up to the side of my head and pulled the trigger, it also printed on the round but did not fire, my wife walked it and flipped out, she called her provider who apparently called my mental health provider and all hell broke loose!! Guess what? It was here!, just take these meds and you’ll be better, it didn’t help, I wasn’t going to test fate again, I can say that now I’m in a way better place and I wish I had made the adjustments earlier! But I can say from the experience that I would have been a statistic with veteran suicide. I speaking to yall from just my experience. I know that when I was reliving the memories and I was having major issues that I did not want to tell anyone, I did not trust anyone either, I didn’t want to reach out for help, I thought I would be better off dead, there would be no pain in my life and my troubles would be over. But that wasn’t the case, I have learned that the crisis line means well and all the doctors are trying there best to help other vets with their issues, but sometimes those who try or accomplish suicide don’t want the help? I didn’t! So I can understand a little bit about what it means to not reach out. I’m not sure how this will help, but plz oh plz talk to someone if you are having issues. There is major changes within the VA for vets that are thinking of committing suicide. So many solutions that I myself never even knew existed. It’s been about 2 yrs since my life was dark and gloomy and I was at a point of no return, but since then I have changed mental health providers, taken some courses that I didn’t want to take but which truly helped me in the long run, im on a steady regimen of meds with no side effects and I have a mental health team that checks on me all the time, and I now know I can reach out for help if I feel the need with absolutely no judgement! If I can help any of my fellow vets, brothers or sisters plz reach out to me. I can say I’ve been there, attempted it and failed thank god, don’t be afraid to ask for help
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
12 mo
SGT Brent Scott my present echoes your words of encouragement: thank you for sharing the scope of your journey. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has been helped by the VA. If only everyone could hear these words of yours:
“It’s been about 2 yrs since my life was dark and gloomy and I was at a point of no return, but since then I have changed mental health providers, taken some courses that I didn’t want to take but which truly helped me in the long run, im on a steady regimen of meds with no side effects and I have a mental health team that checks on me all the time, and I now know I can reach out for help if I feel the need with absolutely no judgement! If I can help any of my fellow vets, brothers or sisters plz reach out to me. I can say I’ve been there, attempted it and failed thank god, don’t be afraid to ask for help”
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
Thank God you're alive and got the help you earned! I didn't even know I was a victim of MST until I saw the movie "The Invisible War." Something like 60% of females report MST while less than 15% do. As a man, it's extra humiliating to admit it because it's emasculating. I still have angry and negative wishful thoughts of my attacker. I even had to block him on Facebook. It's okay. Our attackers will spend an eternity in Hell because they are clearly children of Lucifer.
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
12 mo
SrA Bruce Banner thank you for acknowledging your truth. IMO sharing what happened to you is the true path to freedom and thriving after someone violates us. I know that talking about assault requires incredible vulnerability. I observe from your posts here on RP that helping others is very important to you. And you are good at it! Thank you. Each time one of us speaks our truth it lessens the power of perpetrators and increases the power of survivors.
SrA Bruce Banner
SrA Bruce Banner
12 mo
Sgt Sheri Lynn - Thanks, Sgt. I'm just a cheerleader at heart even though I played football in high school. :P
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