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Command Post What is this?
Posted on May 27, 2015
SSG Gerhard S.
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Responses: 25
MSgt James Mullis
The earliest coin check I remember in my career was in Germany during the 1980's. Long before I saw my first unit coin, they used to do "Pfennig Checks" at German bars. The basic concept was that with the exchange rate at the time, the One Pfennig coin was basically worthless, unless someone was broke. Someone at the bar would yell "Pfennig Check", then everyone had to empty their pockets to show if they were saving any Pfennigs. If a soldier/airman could produce a Pfennig, it meant that he was nearly broke, and if a soldier could not produce a Pfennig, it meant that he had enough money to not bother saving them, and therefore had enough money to buy the next round. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I still carry a Pfenning in my wallet.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
10 y
I still have pfennig but gave up carrying it. I still carry an EOD coin for some reason. You just never know! LOL
SFC Wesley Arnold, Jr
SFC Wesley Arnold, Jr
10 y
I remember my father's second tour to Germany (76-81) the Pfening Check was in full force ... had to dig deep in mom's purse at a full house once to save Dad
SFC Ron Chelsy
SFC Ron Chelsy
10 y
I stopped carrying my penning when I married my German wife lol she started carrying all the money
TSgt Senior Cyberwarfare Capabilities Instructor/Integrator
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
While in Korea, I always had a 1 Won coin in my pocket. Yep, won a few drinks that way.
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SFC Mark Merino
The day I joined RallyPoint, I saw his last name of one of our own beloved interns, and messaged him. His last name was the same as one of my favorite Officers of all time. Back in the day, instead of getting an impact AAM, I told him I would much rather have one of our 2/17 CAV squadron coins. Almost 20 years later, he still remembers that no TIS SSG of his. I was very proud of my time with the 101st Airborne. He was kind enough to have my name engraved on it (the only one I have that is). Awards come and go, but the memories attached to him have the biggest impact. That coin is still one of my prized posessions because 20 years later, this now LTG still remembers the kid who chose one of his coins over an official award.
SrA Teleservice Representative
SrA (Join to see)
10 y
Awesome.... I remember the coin that I was givin when My cousin passed away By then BR Grieleg of the Omaha Corps of Engineers...
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
10 y
Awesome story! I know some make a job out of collecting coins. I have the few I posted with this Command post, and a few other "campaign" coins I did not include. There are memories attached to each of my coins that will be with me as long as I live.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
10 y
I have coins that have ridden in my pocket for decades and will be buried with me when I take the big dirt nap
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SrA Teleservice Representative
One my my Units in the past didnt do Coins but Engraved Gerber Knives... When i get home ill get a picture of it and Upload it... We also went with the Highest rank Coin if everyone had a coin.... Lucky enough I had a Coin from someone Very High up the food chain that only had about 3 coins to beat it... Unfortunantly I lost that Coin on one of my Trainings
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
10 y
An approach I've not heard of, till today.
SrA Teleservice Representative
SrA (Join to see)
10 y
Here is the Knife that we got
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
I have played by the highest ranking, I don't carry my highest ranking coin though. I have an attachment to one I got from a 1 Star that was given with a sincere handshake and a wispier in my ear of a great job. I met him again while I was a contractor in Iraq (He was now a 3 Star). I showed him that coin and told him it meant the most out of everything I ever got out of the army. He said he still remembered giving it to me and that I had earned it. His CSM tried to give me the 3 Star coin. I thanked him and told him I earned the one I carry and to save that for a young soldier who will hopefully think as much as I do of my coin.
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