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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 2, 2017
MAJ Strategist
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Responses: 24
SFC Caretaker
Great article MAJ (Join to see), thank you for sharing. My opinion on war goes back to High School boy behavior. Your always going to have those popular kids with all their followers behind them. When differences get in the way it's always the followers who seem to fight for the popular kid.
After it's all said and done the popular kids shake hands and become friends again and the followers go home with a few shiners and scraped up knees and elbow.
Only difference is when the popular kids shake hands after war, some of those kids don't get to come home. And the ones that do start wondering what it was we were fighting for in the first place?!...
everything starts off with a "cause", but in the end, when theirs no real gain and more loss?..

We can talk unity all day long, but in my opinion, unity is a mans fairy tale utopia. Nothing but words in a book.

Thank you for the article Sir., and your service.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
If this is about national unity I think one just needs to look at history for the lesson. There have always been a sizable portion of Americans that were against the prevailing norms of the citizenry starting with our founding when America was divided between the loyalists to England and the King verses the new Americans that wanted their own freedom and a new system of government by the People. That division continued when the States went to war in our own Cilvil War. We have seen this division continue to when New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania was attacked and politics soon divided a Nation that was united for a short period of time. And now today, with kinetic operations and targeted HVT drone operations in Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Pakistan the People have been in the longest war period since the Revolutionary War Period and the citizenry is fatigued of war, conflict, and division.
I think the Opposition of the past is no longer. It used to be called the Loyal Opposition. I think that is what we are experiencing. We are no longer loyal to the principles of America but we are seeing a shift toward loyalty to political ideologies.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
8 y
LTC (Join to see) Good points. I think those past eras with the loyal opposition may have missed some of the population that no one bothered to ask. Hard to say whether the percentage of fracture is higher or lower when the sample size hasn't been consistent over time.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
MAJ (Join to see) Excellent article sir. It depends on your values and beliefs. Vietnam mattered. I enlisted because helping South Vietnam was a just cause. In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed. When North Vietnam invaded the South, our government discontinued support and we abandoned the ARVN and South Vietnamese people. When I returned home, I did not recognize our country. Part of it is a failed education system. We have too many folks that want our government to provide things to them, while having hate for America and what it stands for.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/johnfkenn109213.html

Cpl Vic Eizenga
Cpl Vic Eizenga
8 y
and we did When President Kennedy was assassinated I enlisted in the Marine Corps as soon as I could get my mother to sign the papers. I was 17
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