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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Apr 12, 2016
SSG Lon Watson
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Responses: 27
SSG Bethany Viglietta
Excellent post! As a female who has spent time attached the Infantry and who conducted several missions with the SOF community I agree that we will need to adapt as well. Upon train up for my deployment I realized that being a female in this environment would require me to work harder than my peers. Walking into a room full of an Infantry Company's platoon and squad level leadership to introduce my collection team, I heard murmurs of what they were going to do with a female soldier. How would they be able to integrate her? etc. It took one conversation about what special qualities I possessed that the male soldiers could not in the environment that we were headed to, and a crude joke about my penis being on back order if they still weren't satisfied. That joke made it's way around the command and eventually got back to me by my BN CSM who asked if I received the packaged yet. He was an engineer and understood that I did what it took to build rapport with the infantry leadership and never questioned my tactic.

We deployed to Afghanistan and I made myself a vow to be stronger/faster than at least half of the guys there and never to be a hindrance on mission. The times I needed help would be because of my height, not my gender; consequently, the leadership sought me out each time they went on a foot patrol and the SOF team nearby would come "borrow" me for a few days from the infantry unit. They recognized what a female could bring to the table.
SFC Management
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Not enough up votes for the back ordered penis....
SSG Bethany Viglietta
SSG Bethany Viglietta
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - You are right! It was a defining moment for me. Definitely set the mood for working with them.
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Cpl Jeff N.
The standards will be lowered. You might as well accept it now. There is really almost no other way to get women into and operating in a Range Bn, an Airborne infantry Unit, A Marine Rifle Platoon, A SEAL Team etc. That is the leftists and politically correct busy bodies goal. Their goal is not equality, it is preference, plain and simple.

Everyone demanding the same standards be upheld is doing so after watching standards being lowered decade after decade after decade. The destruction of the combat efficiency and effectiveness of the armed forces will then be complete.

As much as I agree with your post, the battle has been lost. The standards will be lowered and the military will be forced to accept it like many other policy decision of late that are not focused on the combat efficiency or effectiveness of combat units.

The Marine Corps published a recent and detailed study that demonstrated the issues clearly and it was summarily ignored. The political leaders have no interest in anything but a contrived equality.
SGT Brandy Currie
SGT Brandy Currie
8 y
It's a damn shame. Women were not made to perform like men. We are physically different and I cannot understand why so many insist on making this point. The reality of the matter is that while I was a combat medic in Afghanistan I did great things. All 5ft3 inches of me. BUT. No way in hell could I be of any relevant help to say my husband, an 11B in Sadr City, Iraq under fire. He is 6"3 and in order to be an equal battle buddy to him I would have to be a man. That is fact. We would both be killed. Standards have been lowered to let these women in the infantry and when the bullets are flying..when shit gets real...I fear for those men whose battle does not even have the same PT standards let alone the same ability and endurance that men naturally have due to well...nature. That is not a slam on women. I am pro woman. Pro soldier. But I'm not a friggin idiot and I would never get on a soap box to make a point about womens rights to make a point. We are valuable in the Armed Forces...just not in the infantry.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
6 y
The military are out of wack
LT Ed Skiba
LT Ed Skiba
>1 y
My wife is a former WAVE and is thoroughly disgusted by the feminist agenda to infiltrate every aspect of male dominated activity. On the other hand, we are both thoroughly supportive of any female who is willing to do whatever it takes and qualify for the position with no accommodations because of her gender.
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MAJ FAO - Europe
No offense to our current infantry units, but I'd expect if we were to go test any of the unwritten physical standards you describe in your post, that we'd find a large minority or even a majority of currently serving infantrymen couldn't pass what you claim are unwritten standards. 5-7 perfect dead-hang pull-ups? Sorry, there's just no way this is a task many infantrymen can perform. 50 perfect push-ups---really? Again, there's just no way this is something a majority of infantrymen currently serving can do. Many people share your perspective that the infantry is full of hard-chargers who are super fit. There are folks like this in the infantry---but they are the exception, not the rule. I did notice you didn't identify any unwritten run standards---is cardio not important for the infantry?

I agree that we need to establish meaningful, measurable physical standards for each MOS. I disagree about your suggestion that these standards be normed for age but not gender---I don't think they should be normed at all---one standard! Realize, though, that this means that the fat, out-of-shape E-7s, E-8s, and E-9s and O-4s, O-5s, and O-6s will have to meet these standards, too (and I think many who find themselves calling for tough MOS standards might reconsider if they, too, had to meet said standards). I hope the Army identifies MOS standards, requires Soldiers to meet these standards to join an MOS, and certifies annually that all in an MOS can continue to meet said standard.
SPC Kenneth Koerperich
SPC Kenneth Koerperich
9 y
In my day, our unit Trained only on SF/RIP standards. Those where the Units standards. If accepted to the schools/courses, they wanted people not to fail. So all training was set @ the highest standard to make entry to them easy, as you have/had been doing it all along. So, if a female can keep up w/ the standards, let them try, but I just don't see it going far. Already, the RIP standard was lower, to allow 3 females their tabs. In my day you only got 1 try @ it. Wash out you went home & came back/got put on the "List". Those women turned right around, no waiting list, multiple times, to complete the course. So standards have already been lowered IMO, and that's going to get somebody killed.

Quit trying to be PC. High standards for all, or show them the DOOR & don't let it hit your ass on the way out!
MAJ FAO - Europe
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
SPC Kenneth Koerperich - you must be really old, because people have been recycling Ranger School for decades.
SPC Kenneth Koerperich
SPC Kenneth Koerperich
9 y
46, when I was in, the list was so long you waited up to 1 yr after being accepted to go RIP. That's why we only had 1 out of 340 ever go. We/Unit was always deployed. Had no time for schools. And then, it was wash out/sent home & re apply & wait again. But also, there was a lot more INF Unit than there are now. 7th is at least 1/2 the size it used to be. 9th Regt was disbanded again for the umpteenth time. But when they need them, guess who they will call. MANCHU!
MAJ FAO - Europe
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
SPC Kenneth Koerperich - right, so when you were in the Army, Ranger School had a recycle program.
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