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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 28, 2023
Ryan Callahan
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Responses: 4
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I served this country for 32 plus years of my life. During those years I body was abused, bruised, bleeding, beaten and broken but I never quit believing because I was doing a just calling. Therefore knowing that, I could frankly care less about hearing you beating your chest to make changes to the VA’s mission statement. Maybe you need a reality check about what’s really going on. Instead of worrying about a mission statement that hasn’t healed a single veteran instead, why don’t you focus your attention on making sure every veteran who needs help, gets help first before you make the wild assertion that in your opinion the VA’s number one concern should be that our mission letter doesn’t reflect veterans of today, well gentle sir that’s BS. You want to change our mission statement, here I’ll give you one free of charge, neutral friendly and shouldn’t offend but instead included ever veteran. Mission statement, “ we will leave No Veteran behind. We will treat all veterans with the dignity and respect they have both earned and deserve. We will heal their hearts, their souls and their minds with the same care we mend an heal their broken bones. We must always remember that there is only one category of veterans and that’s veterans. Our number one responsibility at the VA is to heal all veterans, our second responsibility is we will never fail them.

The Leadership

We as veterans understand the word veteran alone says it all. We are Veterans because we gave our all and the VA is here to provide us with all the right care to heal the wounds our bodies endured while serving. Some fought and have injuries that can’t be seen while others bleed and broke bones and endure unexplainable pain on a daily basis and will do so on a daily basis. In closings all we want and expect from our VA is to be provided the proper care our bodies need to heal and for the most part they VA does a great job and is improving. I speak for myself but I could care less about some feel good, include A-Z mission statement. I only care about the only category that matters and when you say Veteran everyone understands we mean all the above. Provide us with the GREAT CARE we rightful EARNED for our selfless service to a grateful Nation.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
1 y
Amen, Brother. I didn't join the Army because it was "diverse", I joined it to serve and to be part of something bigger than myself were you were judged by what you could do, not what color, race, ethnic group or religion you belonged. Never leave a comrade behind would be a fitting mission statement.
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CPT Lawrence Cable Thats the same reason I joined and I can HONESTLY say a persons politics, race or religion never even cross my mind. One quick way to destroy a units moral and readiness is politics and religion therefore if I ever heard that from any Marine or Sailor I immediately stepped in an nipped that cancer in the butt. As good leaders we all know if that crap is allowed to get out of control, it will quickly effect the number one reason we all volunteered to served and that’s to defend our nation, not some feel good, fake woke BS that has nothing to do rounds on target.
SSG Gregg Mourizen
SSG Gregg Mourizen
1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - Agreed.
We are all green.
Our pronouns are Soldier Sailor, Airman, Marine and for those of us who earned it Veteran.
I have to admit, I still like being addressed by my rank. Now so, more than when it was required.
I would ammend your proposed mission statement from "broken bones" to "broken bodies".

We all joined to be part of something bigger than we are as individuals. We joined to be par of a team.
SPC Robert Coventry
Thanks for the share
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SFC William Swartz Jr
Always good to see that funds are being spent on the really important things...
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