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Command Post What is this?
Posted on May 6, 2020
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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Responses: 106
CPT David Gowel
This is an incredible group of leaders to have join us on RallyPoint for a Q&A. Thanks so much for giving us your time. I have a question relevant to all of your organizations as we approach Memorial Day: what is the most important benefit that you provide to the survivors of those service members and Veterans we've lost?
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
Audrey Krones - Hello Audrey, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious husband. TAPS is grateful for his service to our great country and your service and sacrifice. Please call TAPS 24/7 at 800.959.TAPS(8277) and our Casework team can offer support navigating benefits. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a number of benefits to eligible surviving spouses and children. For example, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of service members and veterans whose death resulted from a service related injury or illness. The Survivor Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to a low-income, un-remarried spouse and.or unmarried dependent child of a deceased veteran with wartime service. TAPS Casework provides support in navigating survivor benefits by leveraging partnerships with organizations like the Department of Veterans Affairs. Please call us at 800.959.TAPS (8277) or e-mail [login to see] . We are here for you. With care, Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
Sandy Linden - Dear Sandy, TAPS is the national non-profit organization providing 24/7 comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one. For TAPS we welcome all survivors regardless of how or where their loved one died. What matters is that our military loved ones lived and served. As the national home for all those grieving the death of a loved one, TAPS welcomes survivors from all eras of service. Please connect with us 24/7 at 800.959.TAPS (8277) or TAPS.org. We are here for all. With care and support, Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
Mrs Darryl Coleman - Dear Mrs. Coleman, We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious Ronnie. We are grateful for the life and service of your father, a Lt Col in the United States Air Force. TAPS is the national non-profit organization providing 24/7 comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one. We know life is hard now, and TAPS is here 24/7 at 800.959.TAPS (8277) to offer our care and compassion. We are here for you. With care and support, Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
SP6 Gerald Dombecki - Dear SP6 Dombecki, Thank you for your service to our great nation and your continued service to support fellow veterans and their families! Sending gratitude and support, Bonnie Carroll
CPT Bob McDonald
It is wonderful to see this tremendous group of leaders and dear friends coming together to discuss this important topic. Can you share with us some key elements of the customer service experience that a survivor can expect when they engage with your organization? Thank you for your leadership in all that you do for our Veteran community.
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
Sandy Linden - Dear Ms. Linden, Thank you for your question. TAPS provides comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one. TAPS is ready 24/7 to support all survivors regardless of how or where their loved one died. With TAPS all survivors for all eras of service are welcome. Please know our 24/7 National Military Survivor Helpline is always available toll-free with loving support and resources at 800.959.TAPS(8277).
RDML Ann Duff
RDML Ann Duff
5 y
Thank you Sir for your question and for your long service to the nation in both the public and private sectors. Although a very small office within VA, we make an effort to personally answer every contact -- email, phone, or in person -- with empathy and compassion. If we do not know the answer -- it can happen from time to time -- we acknowledge this, find the answer and get the information back to the individual with the question.
SSgt Danny Devine
SSgt Danny Devine
5 y
Secretary Bob -- hope you are well .. you may recall your earlier and support for the Veterans Legacy Program and now the Veterans Legacy Memorial Platform. we in NCA hope you take a moment to look thru and post a Tribute on the VLM. we see this technology as our answer to the question: How does NCA improve on the 97% ACSI scoring last cycle. the virtual memorialization enables far-away family members or those without the ability to travel the opportunity to participate on their Veteran's page.
SSgt Danny Devine
SSgt Danny Devine
5 y
Thank you for the question, Secretary Bob. At VA's National Cemetery Administration, we are pleased to offer the survivor community an opportunity to have a voice in how their loved one is memorialized. Each of the 3.8M servicemembers and Veterans interred in a VA National Cemetery has their own individual memorial page at the Veterans Legacy Memorial site, where tributes and memories can be posted and shared. https://www.va.gov/remember
CW5 Jack Cardwell
Thanks for the post.
Maj Bonnie Carroll
Maj Bonnie Carroll
5 y
Dear CW5 Cardwell, thank you for your comment and your service to our great nation!
RDML Ann Duff
RDML Ann Duff
5 y
We're here to help!
Mona Gunn
Mona Gunn
5 y
American Gold Star Mothers Inc. appreciates your service!
Melissa Comeau
Melissa Comeau
5 y
CW5 Jack Cardwell I am glad you are here for the Surviving Together Event.

Join nearly 2 million former and current members of the US military, just like you.
