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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 25, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
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Responses: 27
Cpl Anthony Pearson
I'm glad you are all sharing your stories and experiences.

I promise you this... I plan on printing out our responses and will PERSONALLY deliver a copy to everyone VFW and Legion in my area. I will ask that their officers discuss the results at their meeting and STRONGLY consider what they are reading.

Smoking issues, snobby regulars, exclusivity, veterans treating other veterans like crap, etc.


Once this discussion 'cooks' for awhile, I'd ask that some of you consider doing the same. Print the discussions, mail or hand deliver it to your local legions, and ask them to take a hard look at themselves.

Is it worth the effort? YOUR effort? I personally believe it is. Why? Our young men and women are returning from horrible wars with mental and physical scars. THEY NEED SAFE PLACES TO ASSEMBLE AND FEEL WANTED, CARED FOR, and NEEDED.

There are far too many suicides among returning veterans. They feel lost.

VFWs and Legions were meant to be SAFE ZONES for our veterans. For those who are not living up to this, we need to RUB THEIR FRIGGING NOSES IN IT. PERIOD.

And I'm all about getting in faces.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
God bless you CPL Pearson. That's a great idea. Around here they have a lot of family functions like Friday night dinners. My wife will never go back. The food smelled like cigarettes, and there were too many drunks and loudmouths. I once went to the VFW with a question about my wife's CHAMP VA expiring because her five years was approaching. I explained what I needed answered but he didn't know. This was the grand poopaw over that VFW. He suggested I go to the VA and see a vet representative. I already knew that. I was trying to save me a trip to Houston to get the necessary paperwork. This was 0800 and he smelled like a brewery already.
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SGT CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
I joined the legion here to support a program they were running. It was great. Then i went to my first meeting, and they trotted these young men on stage talking about these are our Boys State / Nation candidates. I asked where the young girls were, Oops. They looked at me like i just pissed on their boots. How is it 2015 and programs like this are still locked into boys only. Next they brought out their Eagle Scout Scholarship winner to present him with an award, again i asked where the girl scout award was, again i must have pissed on their boots. No such program exists. So i told them i would not be back until they at least made a program for the young women in our country equal to the programs of the young men. One that my daughter could join. I keep getting the renewal notices, but their chauvinistic policies are still in place. So until the VSO's support fully the women of our nation, like they do the men, i will not step a foot into one, after all they need us to stay alive, we can live without them.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
excellent response, & I can't wait to take that feedback to them directly.
SGT CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I hope you do, And i hope it is received and taken into consideration, but as i have personally emailed all the way to our regional director with nary a response, it is my opinion that they don't care if 1 veteran has that issue, cause they can just suck up the other ones. Its like telling Burger King you wont be back. They don't care.
MSG Tim Gray
MSG Tim Gray
>1 y
They might not care, and that's ok with me, why would we want to be a part of that mindset? Most of us are better than they are. My wife, who before we met was enlisted and suffered a TBI, which resulted in her being an apileptic for life. She isn't eligible to be a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Get real, she has more, well you know what I want to say. I'm sure there are good posts, as well as some awesome people in these organizations. But I'll never be a part of something that only wants my wife to show up as an auxillary member and cook or take out the trash! Never, only after she receives an apology and is welcomed with full member benefits for her sacrifices.
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Cpl Anthony Pearson
Another thing I want to add....

The leadership of these organizations are not set in stone. If a Legion is faltering and in need of change, there is nothing stopping you and your friends from joining the legion, running for office, and voting for each other to get into positions of leadership.

YOU CAN BECOME the leaders of your local organizations, and believe me - it is NOT hard to do. It takes work, and if you win, it takes commitment. I have personally seen this happen, and for one VFW in particular, it SAVED the place and turned it around.

They are more successful now than ever. Live bands, great food, a new outdoor 'tiki hut' inspired venue, and more. They place is thriving.
PO2 Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
PO2 (Join to see)
9 y
You are true inspiration to all of us with your "can do" attitude!! Please don't ever give up and THANK YOU!!!
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
9 y
PO2 (Join to see) - People like you add fuel to my desire to do things for veterans. :) Thank you.
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
9 y
Cpl Anthony Pearson - Thank you for your efforts in this arena. I agree with PO2 (Join to see) that you are an inspiration. Semper Fi!
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