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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 23, 2018
SPC Jerry Flanagan
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Responses: 9
Capt Brandon Charters
SPC Jerry Flanagan - Thanks for coming on to take questions with us. Knowing you have veterans running franchises all over the country, how did you test success regionally and know when it was the right time to take JDOG to the national level?
SPC Jerry Flanagan
SPC Jerry Flanagan
7 y
I physically hauled every piece of junk myself for over 3 years. I tested all of the marketing techniques, hauling concepts and recycling procedure to make sure I was putting Veterans into a successful and proven franchise system. We now have 545 awarded franchise territories in 3 years.
MAJ Deputy Division Chief
Thanks for providing valuable dialogue about entrepreneurship. This should be extremely interesting for transitioning SMs.
SPC Jerry Flanagan
SPC Jerry Flanagan
7 y
Thank you for your support!
SrA Security Forces
Edited 7 y ago
SPC Jerry Flanagan - If any, what were some of your greatest apprehensions about becoming an entrepreneur and how did you "push" through those fears?

Also, from your own experiences, what key skills should service-members/veterans focus on to prepare themselves for the challenges of running a business that aren't inherently learned during military service?
SPC Jerry Flanagan
SPC Jerry Flanagan
7 y
The risk of not having a steady paycheck weighs deeply on your shoulders when you are supporting a family. Without a college degree, I was forced to work extremely hard and out hustle my competition to make sure I got a paycheck. Believing in yourself everyday and having a support network in place.
SPC Jerry Flanagan
SPC Jerry Flanagan
7 y
Veterans really need to understand finances before building a business. There are many ways to learn online including SCORE or finding a mentor.

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